The development trend of agricultural mechanization With the deepening of China's industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, the structure of agricultural labor force and the concept of farmers' production and life have been profoundly changed, and the development of China's agricultural mechanization has taken on new features. At present and in the next five years, that is, during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, it can be summed up in five continuations:

First, the pace of development continues to accelerate. The level of comprehensive mechanization of the main crops harvested in China in 2006-2009 increased by 3 percentage points year-on-year for four consecutive years, an increase of a record high, and the level of mechanization in 2010 will exceed 50%, indicating the arrival of the dominant era of agricultural labor and mechanization. Mechanized production will gradually occupy a dominant position and become the main force in agricultural production.

The second is the continued strong demand. The demand focuses on large and medium-sized power machinery, rice transplanting, and corn harvesting machinery. With the in-depth adjustment of the agricultural structure, the demand for economic crops, aquaculture, forestry and fruit industry, facility agriculture and primary processing machinery has increased significantly. At the same time, the users of agricultural machines have noticeably improved their product's adaptability, reliability, operating efficiency, and after-sales service.

The third is the continuous innovation of the development mechanism. Social service organizations such as agricultural cooperatives and agricultural companies with farm machinery operations have emerged. The service areas have been expanded, service forms have been diversified, and the overall operating efficiency has been improved. The benefits of common farmer households and agricultural machinery operators and social benefits have achieved a win-win situation. Family contract management has accelerated the promotion of agricultural mechanization and created conditions. Solving the contradiction between agricultural small-scale operations and large farm machinery production will have new explorations and breakthroughs.

Fourth, the agricultural machinery industry continues to grow. The industrial concentration has been accelerated, the product structure has been adjusted faster, and the mechanization equipment of all major sectors of the food crops has basically matured, showing a rapid popularization and application trend. The production of other agricultural products and the initial processing of mechanized equipment and technological innovation are increasingly active and are in full swing.

Fifth, the policy environment continues to improve. The pace of the construction of laws and regulations for agricultural mechanization has accelerated. Recently, the State Council reviewed and approved in principle the opinions on promoting the sound and rapid development of agricultural mechanization and agricultural machinery industry, and gave agricultural machinery scientific research, agricultural machinery manufacturing, agricultural machinery circulation, agricultural machinery extension training, and socialization of agricultural machinery. The service and agricultural machinery supervision and management clearly defined the task requirements and supporting measures. The local governments actively innovated the supporting policies for agricultural mechanization. During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, with the implementation of “Three Major” projects (Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Project, Conservation Tillage Project, Agricultural Machinery Training Sunshine Project. Central and local governments continued to increase investment in agricultural scientific research, education and training, purchase subsidies, and job subsidies.

At present, there are still some weak links and major challenges in the development of China's agricultural mechanization. First, the overall level of agricultural mechanization is not high, and the structure of the equipment is not rational enough. The development of agricultural mechanization in different regions, agricultural industries, and all aspects is unbalanced; second, the degree of agricultural production and organization of agricultural machinery services is still relatively low, and the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy is not sufficiently close. There is still much room for improvement in the utilization efficiency of agricultural machinery. Third, the construction of agricultural mechanization infrastructure and related public service systems is lagging behind. Fourth, the lack of supply of agricultural machinery products and technologies in some aspects cannot effectively meet the growing diversified needs of farmers. Fifth, in response to the increasingly prominent constraints on energy shortages and the building of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, agricultural machinery has an important mission, and at the same time, there is a long way to go to save energy and reduce emissions.

Overall, at present and for the next five years, opportunities for the development of China's agricultural mechanization are very rare, and they are at a critical period of accelerating development, improving the structure, and improving quality.

Accelerating the transformation of development methods is a long and arduous period In the important period of accelerating industrialization and urbanization, in the key stages of the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, the trend of rural hollowing, concurrent farming, and the aging of farmers has become increasingly evident. There is an urgent need for agricultural development methods. The rapid transformation of extensive operations to intensive operations requires that the agricultural production methods change from relying on and occupying human resources to relying on science and technology and modern agricultural equipment. In this period, the demand for agricultural machinery by farmers has become increasingly urgent, and the dependence of agricultural production on mechanization has become increasingly apparent. The role of agricultural mechanization in accelerating the transformation of agricultural development methods and building modern agriculture has become increasingly prominent. It has increasingly become an important support for guaranteeing the effective supply of agricultural products and promoting the stable development of agriculture; it has increasingly become a driving force for in-depth development of agricultural socialization services and the promotion of institutional innovations in agricultural management systems; it has increasingly become a major carrier for leading the agro-institutional system to profoundly transform and promote the integration of agricultural technologies. Increasingly, it has become an effective measure to build a resource-saving environment-friendly agriculture and promote the sustainable development of agriculture; it has increasingly become an effective way to cultivate new professional farmers and improve the quality of agricultural laborers.

The transformation of the development mode of agricultural mechanization itself is mainly driven by the transformation from quantity growth model to quality improvement model, from scale expansion model to efficiency improvement model, from element-driven model to innovation-driven model, and from epitaxial growth model to endogenous growth model. . To solve the problem of the development of agricultural mechanization, there are outstanding issues of “two highs and two lows”, “three mores and three lesss” and “three quicks and three slows”. (The level of agricultural machinery operation has the pattern of “two highs and two lows”. The planting industry is relatively high. Animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and fruit industry, facility agriculture and agricultural products processing industry are relatively low. In the planting industry, the level of mechanization of grain production is relatively high, and the economic crop production is mechanized. The operation level is low; the equipment structure still has the problem of “more than three and three less”, with more power machinery, fewer supporting agricultural tools, more small machines, fewer large and medium-sized machines, more low-level machines and fewer high-performance machines; The layout of the development shows the trend of "three quicks and three slows", the plains are fast, the hills and mountains are slow, the east and the north are fast, the west and the south are slow, the dry lands are fast and the paddy fields are slow.) If these outstanding problems are not taken seriously, take effective measures Promoting the solution will constrain China's agricultural mechanization from fully coordinated and sustainable development.

To optimize the structure and regional layout of agricultural machinery and equipment, focus on the following three aspects:

The first is to optimize the equipment structure while promoting the growth of the total amount of agricultural machinery and equipment. Focus on adjustments to promote the development of high-horsepower, high-performance, and compound-operated machinery, accelerate the retirement of old agricultural machinery, promote the development of work machines and tractor-supported implements, increase the matching ratio, improve utilization, reduce unit energy consumption, and avoid low levels. Repeated purchases, wasted resources, and reduced benefits.

The second is to promote key breakthroughs while coordinating progress in all areas. Continue to concentrate on the weak links, improve the level of mechanization of food production as soon as possible, mechanize the farming and collection sectors to extend the mechanization of the pre-production, mid-production, and post-production processes. At the same time, we will continue to promote the economic crops, aquaculture, and facilities agriculture in accordance with local conditions. The mechanization of the comprehensive utilization of agricultural raw materials and agricultural wastes will fully serve agricultural production, peasant life, and rural ecology.

The third is to promote the coordinated development of the region while realizing the overall goal of the development of national agricultural mechanization. Continue to encourage the development of agricultural mechanization to take the lead in development in areas with better foundations, give better play to the role of radiation and demonstration, and strengthen the support and guidance for agricultural mechanization work in hilly and mountainous regions. In accordance with all efforts to popularize machine farming, vigorously develop machine harvests, and strive to break through the machine. The thought of inserting sowing machines encourages enterprises to research and develop production and support farmers to purchase affordable, light and durable food crop production machinery, and at the same time accelerate the development of specialty crop production machinery and promote the mechanization of hills and mountains to achieve leapfrog development.

The competent department of agricultural mechanization at all levels must take effective measures to promote the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery and equipment.

One must formulate development plans. Conscientiously do a good job of existing equipment surveys, based on the needs of the development of agricultural leading industries and economic and geographical conditions, scientific formulation of equipment demand planning, proposed to optimize the guidance of agricultural machinery and equipment structure layout and guidance measures.

Second, we must strengthen policy guidance. By reasonably determining the scope and proportion of purchase subsidies for agricultural machinery and establishing and perfecting the system for retiring and retiring agricultural machinery, we have endeavored to rationalize the allocation of large, medium and small-sized machinery, high-, medium- and low-grade machinery, power machinery and supporting agricultural implements, food crop machinery and other agricultural product machinery.

Third, we must strengthen research and promotion. Fully promote the establishment and research of major agricultural mechanization projects, improve scientific research methods and conditions, integrate and upgrade the existing scientific and technological resources in the industry, strengthen exchanges, cooperation and collaboration in the field of agricultural mechanization science and technology, build a strong team of scientific and technological talents and innovation in agricultural mechanization. The system accelerates the popularization of mechanization techniques for the cultivation and harvesting of major grain and oil crops, actively promotes the production of mechanized technologies for cotton, sugarcane, tea and other economic crops, and focuses on conservation tillage, precision seeding, deep loosening, deep application of chemical fertilizers, and rice breeding. The popularization and application of main push mechanization technology such as transplanting rice straw, straw returning and picking and picking, corn harvesting, potato harvesting, efficient plant protection, and dryland water saving. The promotion and application of subsidies for new technologies and new implements of agricultural mechanization with obvious ecological and social benefits, innovation of service methods for agricultural machinery, and guidance of farmers to actively adopt new technologies and new implements. Give full play to the company's enthusiasm for research and development, speed up the transformation of results and application speed.

Fourth, we must promote social services. Through the development of agricultural machinery cooperatives, agricultural machinery operating companies and other new agricultural service organizations and large farm machinery, and guide the promotion of the purchase, use and integration of advanced, large-scale and high-efficiency agricultural machinery.

Fifth, we must carry out pilot demonstrations. We will organize demonstration work on the adjustment of equipment structure in 100 agricultural mechanization demonstration areas and 500 demonstration sites for agricultural machinery service organizations to explore experiences.

Sixth, we must clarify the responsibilities and tasks. We will increase our awareness of macro-control and clarify the goals of structural adjustment, so that national and local targets and tasks can be defined, responsibilities can be fulfilled, supervision and evaluation can be carried out, and contributions can be made to promote the sound and rapid development of agricultural mechanization.

Changing the mode of development of agricultural mechanization and optimizing the layout of agricultural machinery and equipment requires that our agricultural machinery manufacturing industry and agricultural machinery circulation industry adapt to the requirements of the development trend of agricultural mechanization, identify the location, plan in the long term, act quickly, innovate and play a greater role.

The agricultural machinery manufacturing industry should focus on optimizing the structure of agricultural machinery products to form a pattern that adapts to the economic level of different regions in China and the common development of high-end, low-end products. Focusing on the development of major products, we will speed up industrial upgrading and product replacement. Focus on breakthroughs in rice transplanting, corn harvesting, rape planting and harvesting mechanical bottlenecks, vigorously developing large-scale tractors of more than 100 hp, 50-70 hp energy-saving and environment-friendly paddy field tractors, multi-functional grain combine harvesters, corn harvesters, sugar cane harvesters, and cotton harvesting Machines, large and medium-sized power machinery supporting agricultural machinery, protective tillage equipment, and small machinery suitable for use in hilly areas. The development of new technologies and new products should fully consider the needs of crop varieties, farming systems and management systems, improve the applicability of agricultural machinery, and strive to achieve standardization, serialization, and universal development of power machinery and supporting agricultural implements, mainframes, and accessories. produce. All enterprises should intensify technological transformation, improve product development and production conditions, improve the level of agricultural machinery manufacturing processes and tooling, and improve product quality.

The agricultural machinery circulation industry should build a new agricultural machinery circulation system that combines the brand marketing network of agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprises and the sales network of professional agricultural circulation enterprises. Optimize the distribution of agricultural machinery sales market, develop chain operations, cultivate a large number of large-scale agricultural circulation enterprises, branded agricultural machinery stores and regional agricultural machinery markets with wide radiation, good service quality, improve the supply network of agricultural machinery spare parts, improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural machinery products, and facilitate farmers. Purchase. Set up after-sales service centers and earnestly fulfill the "three guarantees" responsibility for agricultural machinery products so that farmers can use the machine with confidence.

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