For gear transmissions with high and low speed groups, special attention should be paid to the design selection. Generally, the low speed in the high speed group is better than the high speed in the low speed group. In addition to the speed of the shaft, the gear line speed is also related to the diameter of the gear. Therefore, starting from the primary transmission of the transmission chain, on the basis of meeting the structural strength requirements, reducing the number of teeth paid for each pair of gears not only helps to reduce noise, but also makes the structure more compact. For more complex gear transmission systems, special attention should be paid to shortening the transmission chain at high speeds and minimizing the logarithm of the idle gears, which is beneficial for reducing noise.
Structural design gear transmission main noise sources are gears, bearings, motors and structural vibrations. In order to reduce the noise of the system, measures must be taken to reduce the noise of the noise source and minimize the radiation and propagation of noise. In addition to motor noise, almost all noise sources come from the inside of the gearbox. Therefore, the gearbox is the main propagator of noise, and we should consider the design of the gearbox from the aspect of improving the rigidity and sound insulation of the cabinet. (1) Connect the ribs between the front and rear walls of the box to increase the ribs in the poor rigidity; increase the wall thickness at the bearing seat and add the ribs; reduce the size of the window as much as possible, and around the window The inner wall is similar to the ribs of the skirt. These measures can increase the rigidity of the box more effectively. (2) For a cover plate having a large radiating surface, it may be designed as a structure having a diagonal mesh rib. (3) Appropriate increase of wall thickness can improve the sound insulation capacity of the box, which is conducive to noise attenuation. (4) Try to increase the radius of the fillet in the box, which is beneficial to increase the rigidity of the box. (5) The coaxiality of the coaxial hole and the parallelism of the parallel shaft hole should be improved by strict technical requirements. (6) A good seal not only prevents the leakage of lubricating oil, but also prevents the sound from being transmitted.

A2 core coil production line

This production line compleles the A-level fire pratection funeiaon by changing the non-combustibiae material into the nan-carmbustibie inorgan- ic core material threugh a new production precess, and has the function af integraed farming and auomaic continuous production.

The production line is controlied by the raw material mixing formula and production proess ol the fireprool beard tere material. s thal the unlormity al the powdery raw material reeches 99.7% or mare.

A2 Core Coil Production Line,A2 Core Coil Production Line Equipment,A2 Core Coil Production Line Counter,Odm A2 Core Coil Production Line

Zhangjiagang Zhong Lai Machinery Co.,Ltd. ,