Since 2015, the international giant's low-cost market-taking strategy has caused the price war vortex to become larger and larger. The LED lighting market has entered the stage of full red sea, and enterprises with scale advantages can only obtain meager profits. Such a bloody red sea, let us strongly feel that the industry shuffles, the mountains and rains come, the wind is full. However, after the storm, everything will return to calm, LED lighting companies will re-install and re-enter the road after the competition and shuffling. If it does not break out in silence, it will perish in silence. How to get out of the Red Sea and find the Blue Ocean requires deep thinking in the whole industry. The author believes that LED companies must stand out from the crowd and must have a blue ocean strategy to break through the Red Sea. Instead of tearing up the market with price, it is better to examine itself, refine the advantages, and then differentiate the attack. With a perfect marketing model and value innovation, it may be able to do more with less. . Technological innovation, intensive market segmentation Lighting is a distinctive industry. Its individualization, customization and specialization determine that a large number of lighting products cannot adopt large-scale production methods and need to be treated differently. Therefore, the subdivision and professional market provide a space for LED companies to survive. Pang Guiwei, chairman of Tongpu Technology, believes that the influx of high-margin market segments is the result of free choice and free competition. It is the method and way to seek the highest return from the most efficient place in the market economy environment. The swarming of enterprises will promote the growth and maturity of the market segments, but it will also reduce the gross profit margin of the industry and make the competition more intense. From the perspective of industrial economics, the ultimate result of competition is to maintain the average profit of the industry at a low level. This is a dynamic category and inevitable. In fact, many LED companies driven by technological innovation know that blindly following the trend is not as good as thinking and changing. According to the characteristics of the company, it is better to be specialized in the segmentation field. Whoever first targets the market segment will be easier. success. In this context, high-value-added market segments such as intelligent lighting, plant lighting, and medical lighting have become the new profit growth poles for lighting companies in the future, giving countless market opportunities for SMEs. Medical lighting, high threshold, small size, actual market value as a special way of lighting, medical lighting has certain special requirements, compared with traditional medical lighting, LED lights with directional, low-spectrum damage and other characteristics become its entry into the medical lighting field The upper hand. Because medical lighting has a high barrier to entry, a small market size, but a high market price, the actual market value of its market is large. In addition, because LED medical lighting is a high-tech, high-risk, high-entry special lighting product, it can avoid the vicious competition faced by conventional lighting products. With the emphasis on health care, medical rehabilitation, environmental protection and energy conservation, the medical lighting field can be said to be one of the best entry points for semiconductor lighting. It is an area that can display its strengths and is easily accepted and promoted by the market. It is also easy. Boasting a special segment of semiconductor lighting that sees rice, creates professional brands, and goes global. Intelligent lighting, a real revolution in the industry According to CMS China statistics, smart lighting will open up the long-term growth space of the industry. On the basis of not considering high value-added products, in 20142015 alone, the intelligent lighting industry will provide at least more than 60 billion yuan. Market space. By 2020, the smart lighting market is expected to reach $10.3 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 27% between 2015 and 2020. Since 2015, smart lighting has embarked on a new stage of development under the dual drive of smart city and smart home. The smart lighting products launched by enterprises are no longer limited to dimming and color, and some simple entertainment functions are added. The lighting companies are gradually accepting cross-border integration. For example, at the beginning of the year, LED lighting companies joined hands with Xiaomi to develop a smart home ecosystem. Through cross-border interaction and cooperation, the combination of lighting and light source, and the combination of hardware and mobile networks will be realized. Really humanized intelligent lighting. Although intelligent lighting has broad prospects for development and has achieved certain results, at present, there is no uniform standard for communication and control platforms of various intelligent lighting systems, which makes product dispersion difficult to integrate. Li Xin, general manager of Zhaoxin LED, believes that when the LED market is more standardized and standardization can be put on the ground, intelligent lighting can be said to be a huge cake. However, there is no uniform standard for communication protocols and control platforms of various intelligent lighting systems, resulting in product dispersion. It is difficult to integrate, and how to cut into intelligent lighting still requires companies to study hard. It is understood that there are different types of communication protocols such as KNX, BACnet, DALI, ZigBee, and LonWorks. How to establish common standards in the future is the biggest challenge of intelligent lighting, and it still needs the joint efforts of the entire industry chain. As far as the product side is concerned, the development of LED technology has matured. In the future, the ratio between the various manufacturers will not only be a technological breakthrough, but more importantly, it will be able to accurately hit the needs of consumers and use the scene, so that the intelligent lighting products can be truly brought into the market. In the terminal application.

Light Pole Shut & Welding Machine

Light pole shut and welding machine is suitable for one piece type polygonal or circle taper light pole. it is automatic welding line, the dolly with speed adjustable motor can pull (or push) the light pole from small end to big end, The hydraulic cylinder through mechanical chain, worm wheel push the clamping wheel to close the pole and do welding at same time.

Tapered Light Pole Shut & Welding Machine is also named: Conical Light Pole welding,Taper Pole welding,Conical Pole welding ,Street Pole welding,Traffic Pole Welding ,Light pole shut and welding,Octagon Pole Shut and Welding,Flagpoles Welding,Street Pole Sewing... etc.

This type machine is mainly used for longitudinal seam welding (submerged arc welding or CO2 gas shielded welding).

Tapered Light Pole Shut & Welding Machine,Light Pole welding,Taper Pole welding,Conical Pole welding ,Street Pole welding,Traffic Pole Welding ,Light pole shut and welding,Octagon Pole Shut and Welding,Flagpoles welding,Street pole sewing

Wuxi Zhouxiang Complete Set of Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. ,