Eight years ago, FAW Xicui Aowei four-valve heavy-duty diesel engines had mass production off the assembly line. This led to the discussion and practice of independent innovation in the industry and formed a Xichai whirlwind. In 2010, in the domestic engine industry, FAW Xichai achieved sales of 430,000 units and sales growth was the first in the industry. Key indicators such as per capita labor productivity, net asset profitability, and labor cost ratio were among the highest in the industry. . The continuous development of innovative capabilities has enabled this company to maintain its leading position in the industry's first camp and become a national enterprise model for independent innovation and development.

Market core in independent products

"The independent intellectual property rights will determine the survival of the Chinese auto industry. The biggest gap between Xichai and the international community is autonomy, the most promising and autonomous." Cai Zhenfa, secretary of the FAW Xichai Party Committee, said that most of the domestic diesel engines are currently joint ventures. However, Xichai believes that the automotive industry is the backbone of the national industry. Therefore, we must adhere to independent development and maintain the right to speak in the market. In order to keep pace with the changing market and ensure that there are always marketable products, Xichai will use independent innovation as the main line of development, integrate global resources, continuously increase research investment, accelerate the pace of new product development, and form high-end advantages in technology.

Xichai engine

In terms of emissions, Xichai has achieved full national III and IV emissions and possessed the national V potential. In terms of power coverage, seven series of W, X, K, F, L, M and N have been formed. Light, medium and The product development platform covered by the full range of products has become the most widely used enterprise in the domestic engine industry, and is known as the "power supermarket." In January 2011, China FAW's “High-Quality J6 Heavy-duty Truck and Heavy-duty Diesel Engine Independent R&D and Technology Innovation” project won the 2010 National Science and Technology Progress Award. This is after the CA6DL diesel engine won the "2007 National Science and Technology Progress Award second prize", FAW independent innovation products once again won the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

According to reports, in the heavy truck market, FAW's Xichai has pushed forward the CA6DM and CA6DL diesel engines that run fast, pull, save, and open. The market is in a gratifying situation of short supply and holding money. In markets such as passenger cars, light trucks, and construction machinery, Xichai has actively developed new markets such as Sanhuan and Xiagong under the premise of maintaining the supporting shares of Suzhou Jinlong, Jianghuai, and Yutong, enabling the market share of Xichai in this field. Steadily improved.

Corporate culture is one of the core competitiveness

The CA6DL machining workshop of FAW Xichai has been put into use for more than 8 years. Every day, forklifts are shuttled through the workshop. However, the reporter saw the entire floor of the workshop still as smooth and clean as the new one. The party branch secretary of the shop told the reporter that if workers finish the forklift, they will take the initiative to wipe all the wheels clean. This has become an active habit that does not rely on compulsory restraint. In the factory area, all employees have their own designated routes, do not cross the line, do not cross the road outside the zebra crossing, see the paper on the ground will take the initiative to pick up ... ... corporate culture, has penetrated into the psychological and transformation of each employee For specific actions.

According to CAI Zhenfa, the 68-year-old FAW Xichai has realized the charm of corporate culture in practice and gradually developed a set of concept culture, institutional culture and environmental culture with Xichai characteristics, forming a relatively complete corporate culture. system. When interviewed by Xichai, the reporter was attracted by Xie Chai's "Employee Culture Handbook." This booklet contains various aspects of the concept culture, concept cultural deduction, employee behavior culture, and corporate environmental culture. In CAI Zhenfa's view, the distinctive corporate culture of Xichai has guided employees' values ​​to the direction of supporting and actively participating in independent innovation, forming a powerful innovation force and effectively enhancing the company's core competitiveness.

The stage for talents to provide their talents is a deeper impression of reporters in the interview with Xiehai. The enterprise encourages all employees, especially scientific and technological personnel, to “innovate, create, and establish a business”, establish an innovation fund, encourage employees to explore boldly, and allow failure; implement a project responsibility system, take a serious node plan, ensure success, and cultivate a group of people who understand both product development and Leaders will be organized for development, some of which have become state-level experts, ministerial experts, and key training targets for the "333 Project" in Jiangsu Province. Taking the workshop the reporter interviewed as an example, it is a well-known bilingual workshop in the industry. The average age of front-line workers here is less than 26 years old, all of which are college education, and 5 are graduate students. These young front-line workers spontaneously formed 8 small technical teams to carry out the project's self-tacking, where they can feel a strong learning atmosphere.

Over 2 billion expansion layout gains continuous momentum

In the reform and development, FAW Xichai has witnessed independent innovation achievements. In the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, it further emphasized the independent strategy and proposed a transition from a learning enterprise to an innovative enterprise, and from a technology follower to a technology leader. The overall vision of the transition from product marketing to brand marketing and from content management to lean management. Taking the “national brand, high-end power” as the goal, according to Cai Zhenfa, during the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, FAW Xichai proposed the “6518” strategy, which means that Xichai Diesel’s annual sales volume will ensure 650,000 units and strive to reach 700,000 units; sales revenue Ensure 18 billion yuan and strive to achieve 20 billion yuan; 15,000 cars will be modified.

Standing on a new starting point, a generous expansion of the layout will accumulate more momentum for the continuous development of FAW Xichai. The reporter learned that in 2011 Xichai invested 1.67 billion yuan, with a total investment of more than 2 billion yuan, to build a heavy-duty diesel engine manufacturing base in Huishan District. The base will occupy about 478 mu of ground, and the first phase of construction of CA6DM will be completed in March 2012 (11 L) 50,000 engine production lines, will eventually be built to produce CA6DM, CA6DN (13 liters) and other heavy engines 100,000 production bases. After the completion of the project, in addition to the huge economic benefits to Xichai itself, it will also drive the value of supporting output of 58 suppliers in Wuxi area to nearly 2 billion yuan, and the tax revenue will be nearly 300 million yuan. At the same time, Xichai also set up a remanufacturing base in the new district, and the total investment of the project is 50 million yuan, with an annual production capacity of 5,000 units. This is a strong attempt by the plant to respond to the country's call to promote the development of a recycling economy. After these new bases are put into operation, Xichai will become the main production base for China's own brand engines, the main manufacturing base for heavy-duty engines, and the main export base for its own-brand engines.

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