The development of science and technology has made the automation of China's manufacturing industry more and more high, and the use of CNC machine tools has become more and more popular. However, most of the domestic CNC machine tool processing programs are manually compiled, which is inefficient, and the programming work basin is large and error-prone.

At the same time, the research and development of automatic programming system has similar technologies at home and abroad. For example, old and out-of-touch software can directly generate CNC machining codes based on 3D physical data, but these softwares are difficult to master, difficult to use, and have high hardware requirements. At the same time, the price of these software is expensive, and it is difficult for domestic SMEs to bear.

The Quyou system is an interactive drawing software developed by Chuanxiong Co., Ltd., which has strong drawing, editing and dimensioning as well as user-friendly secondary development. Its tons of files are for exchanging information between external programs and graphics systems or different graphics systems, and it can hold all the graphical information in the file.

The following is a discussion of how to use this information to generate CNC machining programs that are important for CNC machining. The discussion of automatic programming of NC machining based on the spline curve in my brother's file is as follows: A file format analysis The minimum component of 10,000 files is a group, each group has a group code 叩 pseudo group value reading, group code and group value combined A group representing a meaning of a data and its value constitutes a section.

A complete file consists of a section and a file ending. The order is like the title of the 曰 日 日 类 类 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比The name of the solid graphic, the name of the layer in which it is located, the line name, color number, base height, thickness, and related geometric data.

Entities that refer to block references but do not include blocks are also described in the entity section. The numerical control automatic programming of the spline curve in the file of the dried stem has a kind of spline curve double arc spline curve, spline curve and non-uniform rational spline curve. Double-arc spline curve Double-return arc spline curve is one of the methods of fitting a list curve. In the ratio, you can use the polyline gamma and polyline editing mouth knife command to draw a double arc spline curve. Through the analysis of the double arc spline curve in the edge, it is found that there are two types of values ​​and several pairs. The circular arc and the common cut point of the play are located on the line perpendicular to the hole and also on the spline curve, so that a good approach effect can be obtained.

As shown. For the processing of the double arc spline curve in NC programming, we can blast the double arc spline curve by the decomposition command knife to get a segment of the arc, and then convert it to field with the edit polyline command. The circular arc is obtained by reading the under-group code to obtain the starting point, end point and convexity value of the arc return. After processing, the NC code is directly generated to convert the line and the arc into favorable NC programming. This is because it is a single entity and is easy to pick and choose. At the same time, each line segment and arc segment which are connected end to end can be included, which is convenient for determining the direction of tool movement during machining. The starting point of the tool is the starting point of the tool, and the coordinates of the end point required during the machining can be determined by the vertices of the red 峪The data is determined.

The spline spline method has the powerful function of representing and designing free-form curves and surfaces, and is one of the main methods used in the most extensive shape mathematical description. It has become the basic spline curve for the method of geometric definition of industrial products. A segmented near curve, the mathematical equation of the secondary spline curve can be written as a wonderful, as a control point, the sequence of connected polylines is called a spline control polygon, called the sub-standard spline base function, where each A standard spline, referred to as a spline, is a sub-segment polynomial, which is a sub-polynomial spline, determined by a sequence of non-decreasing parameters called node vectors.

The spline curve in the training ratio is a quasi-uniform spline curve of a positive algorithm. The drawing method is to first determine the number of splines generated by changing the value of the system variable, and then plot the spline with the command. Controls the polyline of the polygon, which is finally converted to a spline by the spline twist option in the Edit Polyline command, as shown.

Since the general CNC machine tool only provides linear and circular interpolation functions, it is necessary to convert the spline curve into a straight line or a circular arc segment according to the machining accuracy requirements during NC programming. The specific method is to set the system variable and draw first. Spline curve, its value range is, knife, positive value with straight line segment and spline curve, negative value with arc segment and spline curve, the larger the value, the higher the fitting degree.

It is required to take the system default value or one time under normal circumstances, which is enough to meet the numerical control machining precision. Shen Wei ordered the line and arc to be converted into a polyline command to convert it into. Finally, the information of the line and the arc is obtained by reading the group code, and the NC code is directly generated after processing. Non-uniform rational spline curve gamma play non-uniform rational spline curve price The old Dunqun method is a mathematical method that can describe free-form curves and surfaces and more accurately represent quadratic curve arcs and quadric surfaces. The curve has the characteristics of geometric affine and perspective transformation invariance and strong convexity.

The standard that has become the geometric definition of industrial products will be the only mathematical method for defining geometric shapes. In the middle, the curve is drawn by command, and a series of shape points and a tangent at the first end point are used to determine the curve. From the drawing process, it can be seen that the mooring is the interpolation point of these type points and the point at the end point. The vector is used to inversely calculate the control point, and then the three curves are obtained by fitting, and then the modified curve can be used, such as adjusting the control point and the interpolation point, changing the weight factor, increasing the vertices, raising the order, changing the tangential direction of the first end point, etc. Show.

The lower group code information of the curve "The number of curves after the group code indicates that the number of curves is a cubic curve, and the four nodes are used at both ends of the cubic curve. The vector values ​​of the starting nodes are all zero, and the interval between the intermediate nodes is the interval value. It is exactly the distance between the corresponding two types of value points, and the last node vector value is the sum of the accumulated distances.

It can be seen that the curve node sequence adopts the cumulative chord length method. For the processing of the curve in NC programming, the number of control points of the curve and the number of curves can be obtained by reading the information in the file, the value of the control point, the node vector is determined by the Risenfeld method, and then the debord algorithm is used. The formula is used to obtain the point on the curve. Under the premise of satisfying the processing precision requirement, the recursive formula of the Debord algorithm using a straight line of the twisted line curve is as follows: "The conclusion is that we can first draw three kinds of samples in the training. The curve, and then use the development tools, directly read the information of the line, arc, curve in the file, after processing can generate CNC machining code, can achieve automatic programming.


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