Maintenance of the automatic calorimeter and maintenance of the fault calorimeter After the end of the daily sample, the following inspections and maintenance should be performed frequently to keep the instrument in good working condition and prolong the use. After the tests, the oxygen bombs are cleaned and dried. The following points should also be observed and inspected.

1 The oxygen bomb can only be twisted by hand. When the hand feels resistance, it should be stopped. Never use a tool to tighten it. After the test is completed every day, it should be cleaned once.

2Bombs and seats should be flushed and wiped dry after use.

3 Rinse the cup, scrub the threads, and inspect the upper part of the cup for mechanical damage. Be careful not to invert the cup.

4 Check whether the seal ring has worn and burned. If the leak is not tight, it should be replaced.

5 Check whether the insulation pad and insulation cover are good or not, and check the insulation performance regularly.

6 Regularly conduct a 20.0Mpa hydrostatic test on the oxygen bomb. After each hydrostatic test, the oxygen bomb must not be used for more than one year (or no more than 5000 tests).

2. Heater tube: After the test, the water in the tube should be discharged to the outer tube, wiped dry and kept clean.

3, test water: The best use of pure water, and to be regularly replaced to ensure that the test reliability and success rate.

Calorimeter Common Causes of Symptoms Causes Handling 1. Oxygen gas leaks Rubber seals aging or worn Replace the seals 2. Ignition failure: 1 The line is blocked or poorly contacted. 1 Check whether the connection line is connected well, whether the oxygen warhead and the ignition cap are in contact with the aerobic bomb inner cylinder.

2 The sample is wet. 2 Spill the sample too quickly with oxygen.

3 Poor contact of the ignition wire or cotton with the sample. 3 Reinstall.

4 Both electrodes are dirty 4 Polish the electrode with sandpaper.

5 Ignition Cap Oxidation 5 Burnish the ignition cap oxide with sandpaper 6 Both electrodes are short-circuited with the crucible (this is easily burned) 6 Replace the electrode or crucible Re-installation sample 3, Specimen burning incomplete Sample is not flammable Insufficient sample oxygen or insufficient oxygen pressure to prolong the oxygenation time. Replace the oxygen cylinder. 4. After the ignition, the temperature rises too high. The calorific value is too high. 1 The stirrer does not turn. 1 The stirring shaft is stuck, the line is blocked. 2 The stirring blade is peeled off. 2 Uses a cotton thread Insertion and stirring shaft connected rod hole re-inserted 5, the experiment does not end over a long time, the ambient temperature is too high, adjust the outer cylinder water temperature and room temperature are basically the same, or reduce the indoor temperature 6, when the oxygen leakage oxygen meter seal aging Or wear replacement seals

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