No need for battery can also wireless communication! A team of engineers from the University of Washington developed the "Inverse Signal Scattering Technology", which converts the existing signals in the atmosphere into reflections and transmits them, breaking through the limitations of traditional technologies, and does not require battery-driven. If you can't find glasses or keys later, let them send you a signal to find you.
The traditional wireless transmission technology can't develop signals and receive signals, and these two actions will consume power. In the past, scientists focused on improving the charging method, but the most energy-efficient method is not to consume electricity. The operating principle of “environmental signal inverse scattering technology” is that the equipment itself does not manufacture signals, but rather “ready-made” signals are used for their own purposes: absorbing innumerable radio waves in the atmosphere, television signals, and wireless base station signals. Over the antenna and receiver detection, conversion, reflection, redirected to the corresponding device, no battery can be sent over the air.
Shyam Gollakota, a professor of information engineering at the University of Washington, and students have produced electronic devices of a size that use their antennas to sense and transmit television signals, and then use the same device mounted on the television to receive the transmitted signals. . Smith, another co-inventor, said that because the device does not require a battery, when it is installed in any corner of the building, there is no need to worry about whether to replace the battery.
This technology can be regarded as a revolution in the field of wireless communications and will be used in a wide range of applications in the future: installation in buildings, sending alarms to administrators, improving the endurance of mobile devices such as smart watches, finding keys, glasses or wallets, allowing them to The mobile phone sends a signal "find someone"; if the mobile phone is dead, it can also send an emergency call for help.
Gollakota said that as long as there is a television tower signal within a 10 km radius, the new technology will work. Between two outdoor units within 2.5 meters, the transmission speed of 1 kb per second can be maintained, but the signal stability and transmission The scope and speed still need to be strengthened.
The “Radio Frequency Identification System” (RFID), which originally dominated the wireless communication technology field, was listed as one of the “10 most important technologies in this century”. The difference between the new technology and RFID is that it does not require high power consumption signals. And can make 2 different devices "find each other."

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