Since China has abundant coal resources, coal-based thermal power generation has been a major component of power generation, and its installed capacity occupies about 70% of the total installed capacity of power generation. Although its installed capacity has shown a downward trend in recent years, But still maintain a high status of the industry. As an efficient and clean power generation technology, super (super) critical power generation technology occupies a high position in high-efficiency coal-fired power generation technology due to its unique advantages.

March 27, 2012 To accelerate the innovation and development of energy technology industry in order to further implement the "Outline of National Medium and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development Plan (2006-2020)" and "National" Twelfth Five-year Plan for Science and Technology Development " . The Ministry of Science and Technology organized and formulated the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the development of clean coal technology and science and technology. The plan states that the large-scale ultra-supercritical power generation technology and the high-parameter ultra-supercritical key technology are the key development directions for clean coal technology in China.

Thermal power industry development overview

According to the Research Report on Market Prospects and Investment Strategic Planning of China's High-Efficiency Coal-fired Power Generation Industry for 2013-2017 published by Prospect Industry Institute, the investment scale of China's thermal power industry has been gradually decreasing in recent years due to the investment and construction. In 2011, the thermal power industry completed an investment of 105.4 billion yuan, accounting for 28.39% of the total investment in power construction. By 2012, the thermal power investment will be completed with a total investment of 101.4 billion yuan, accounting for 26.88% of the power investment structure. From January to March 2013, thermal power completed its investment 16.2 billion yuan, an increase of 12.9%.

From the installed capacity point of view, the cumulative installed capacity of China's thermal power industry continued to grow, but the growth rate has declined. In 2011, the cumulative thermal power installed capacity in China was 76.546 million kilowatts, up 8.33% over the same period of last year. By 2012, China's thermal power installed capacity was 81.917 million kilowatts (including 758.11 million kilowatts of coal and 38.27 million kilowatts of electricity), an increase of 7.02% over the same period of last year. However, the newly-installed capacity of China's thermal power industry shows a downward trend. In 2011, the newly installed capacity was 58.86 million kilowatts, decreasing to 50.65 million kilowatts by 2012.

Super (super) critical power generation technology advantages

Super (super) supercritical thermal power units have significant energy saving and environmental improvement effects. Compared with supercritical units, ultra supercritical units have a 1.2% increase in thermal efficiency and about 6,000 tons of high quality coal a year. At the same time, ultra-supercritical units have unparalleled economy. The thermal efficiency of a single generating unit can reach up to 50%, and the minimum coal consumption per kW / h is only 255g. Compared with the subcritical pressure units (the lowest coal consumption per kW / h About 327g) coal consumption is low; low NOx technology at the same time, in the combustion process to reduce the formation of 65% of nitrogen oxides and other harmful substances, and the desulfurization rate can exceed 98%.

· Super (super) critical power generation related projects

In recent years, with the implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction intensified, clean coal technology has been greatly developed, super (super) supercritical power generation projects have started to invest.

Exhibit 1: List of projects related to supercritical power generation

Source: Foresight Industry Institute finishing

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