Recently, the Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Transportation Department, conducted a night check on the exhaust emissions of passing vehicles on the road at the intersection of the expressway and the outer ring road in Beichen District, focusing on the inspection of large-scale passenger and cargo diesel vehicles passing through the country. In the evening, a total of 520 high-emission vehicles were screened, and 52 heavy and medium-sized diesel vehicles including Tianjin and foreign countries were intercepted. Two vehicles with excessive exhaust gas were investigated and punished. It is understood that the night check operation will continue until the end of the year.
The focus of this special inspection is threefold: First, check the application status of vehicle environmental protection signs. The second is to check the yellow label car that illegally enters the restricted area. For vehicles that have not applied for the environmental protection mark, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the “Administrative Measures for the Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pollution in Tianjin”, the environmental protection department shall register and order the inspection within 2 weeks to receive the environmental protection mark. The yellow label car that violated the "Tianjin Public Security Bureau's notice on the passage of "Yellow Label Vehicle" in some areas of the city and road restrictions" will be punished by the traffic control department for 200 yuan or less, and will not be discharged within 3 hours. Repeated penalties in the restricted area. The third is to check the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles. Through the remote sensing monitoring vehicle screening, combined with the manual on-site detection method, the road inspection is carried out comprehensively, and the operation of the vehicle exhaust gas treatment facilities and the exhaust emission compliance are checked. For vehicles exceeding the standard, according to Articles 25 and 46 of the Regulations on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution in Tianjin, the environmental protection department shall use the simplified procedure to impose a 50-yuan penalty on the vehicle to which the individual belongs, and the vehicle to which the unit belongs shall be punished by 200 yuan, and Order to govern.
It is worth mentioning that the motor vehicle exhaust gas remote sensing monitoring vehicle was activated in this special inspection. When the motor vehicle passed, it took only 0.7 seconds, and the vehicle exhaust gas component was transmitted to the vehicle computer. The exhaust gas emission was qualified and displayed in the monitoring vehicle. On the top of the display. The telemetry vehicle can analyze the concentration and opacity of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in the vehicle exhaust in real time. In the past, the inspection of motor vehicle exhaust gas was mainly carried out manually, and the efficiency was very low. The maximum number of vehicles tested per day was no more than 100 vehicles. After using the remote sensing monitoring vehicle, nearly one thousand vehicles can be monitored in one hour, and the efficiency is greatly improved.
According to Li Qiang, deputy director of the Department of Atmospheric Affairs of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, in order to cooperate with this year's special inspection of excessive emission of motor vehicles, the city will also add 8 new vehicle remote sensing monitoring vehicles at the end of this month. At that time, 9 vehicles will be equipped with remote sensing vehicles. Going together.

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