Green transformation will become an important goal of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” for the comprehensive utilization of waste rubber. The key to achieving this goal is to improve the utilization value of waste rubber and optimize the product structure; to develop and promote new regeneration technology equipment through independent innovation. This is the situation that the media learned from the 2015 national first scrap rubber green application site meeting held on July 7-10, 2015 in Zhejiang Tiantai.

Cao Qingxin, secretary-general of the Waste Rubber Comprehensive Utilization Branch of China Rubber Industry Association, told the media that green technology is the fundamental way for the waste rubber industry to achieve green transformation. The process greening mainly includes three aspects: one is to replace the intermittent dynamic desulfurization process with continuous atmospheric pressure process, the other is to promote the process of coal tar elimination through standard upgrading, and the third is to automate the process steps such as kneading.

Fan Rende, honorary president of China Rubber Industry Association, said that the biggest problem facing the reclaimed rubber industry is low labor productivity and secondary pollution has not yet been fully resolved. The industry should take the road of intelligent manufacturing, establish a fully enclosed, automated and green production line of recycled rubber and rubber powder, integrate equipment, products, processes, raw materials, logistics, etc., change the traditional and single production mode, and comprehensively improve the products. Accuracy and quality, as well as productivity and intelligence.

It is understood that the green transformation of the waste rubber comprehensive utilization industry has initially met the conditions. In the key process of desulfurization, the continuous pressure desulfurization process and equipment are used. The reclaimed rubber products have achieved the quality of the dynamic desulfurization process, and the desulfurization process no longer produces waste water and waste gas, and the production safety level is also improved. Waste rubber recycling, harmless, intelligent screw extrusion and recycling new technology, has been included in the petrochemical industry environmental protection and clean production key support technology. In terms of process automation, the development of the automatic weighing machine has laid the foundation for the intelligent management of the production line and the provision of robots.

At present, accelerating the solution of secondary pollution in recycled rubber production has become the consensus of the industry and has attracted great attention from enterprises. Dujiangyan City New Times Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Tiantai Kunrong Rubber Co., Ltd., Taizhou Zhonghong Waste Rubber Comprehensive Utilization Co., Ltd., etc., said that the elimination of "small three pieces", change the tire crushing process; change the process formula, eliminate coal tar; change the high temperature The high-pressure desulfurization process, using the atmospheric continuous desulfurization process, will be an important means to achieve low-carbon green conversion in the waste rubber comprehensive utilization industry.

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