At the "Low-speed Electric Vehicle Summit" held by the Electric Vehicle Hundred People's Association held a few days ago, Academician Yang Yusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the exclusion of lead-acid batteries is a disturbance to the market competition mechanism. In battery technology, the market should be used as a referee, and the standard-setting party cannot More and more.

For the formulation of low-speed electric vehicle standards, the author has always believed that it is necessary to formulate appropriate safety standards and reasonable technical conditions for the characteristics of low-speed electric vehicles. It is also understandable to raise the threshold and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. However, from the current controversy, the main contradiction is: how to balance management access and market demand?

Should the standard make the market a referee?

The development of the national standard for low-speed electric vehicles has been developed so far. The biggest contradiction of low-speed electric vehicles at present is whether the standards that the country is about to introduce can match the market demand. Let us call it "market theory." For example: safety, technical standards, its cost will rise, consumers will not buy it; currently about 95% of low-speed electric vehicles use lead-acid batteries, recycling lead-acid batteries is bottom-up.

In fact, the battle for battery technology routes first appeared in the field of new energy buses. In 2016, Zhang Xiangmu, director of the Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that because the safety development for passenger cars is still not mature, the ternary lithium battery bus was suspended. A list of recommended models for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles. Here, the battle for the battery technology route of new energy buses also surfaced.

However, the focus of discussion at that time was: Whether the ternary lithium battery is safe or not; the focus of the discussion on the contamination of lead-acid batteries is: in battery technology, the market should be the referee.

The author believes that the focus of the two disputes is different in nature, which can not help but make people feel that the market is a brick, where to move. It leads the main pollution problem of lead-acid batteries to the level of market competition, but in fact there is no necessary connection between the two.

Battery technology route: the knot that can't be solved?

"Market theory" pointed out that about 95% of current low-speed electric vehicles use lead-acid batteries, and the exclusion of lead-acid batteries is a bottom-up, so lead-acid batteries should not be banned.

The environmental protection department and the traffic control department believe that the promotion of low-speed electric vehicles, lead-acid batteries may be ten times that of current automobiles, and there is no perfect recycling system and lead pollution control, which may have bad consequences.

Yang Yusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that every fuel car uses a lead-acid battery. Without exception, do not double standards in low-speed electric vehicles. Fu Yuwu, chairman of the China Automotive Engineering Society, believes that lead-acid batteries can be used for a period of time, giving a certain transition time is the best choice.

Some insiders pointed out that the current problem of lead-acid batteries is not pollution, but how to supervise. The author agrees with the above point of view, but unfortunately, the current lead in many countries exceeds the standard, and the treatment of lead-acid batteries has just started. If large quantities of lead-acid batteries are used, it will undoubtedly worsen. Perhaps one of the keys to low-speed electric vehicle companies wanting to use lead-acid batteries is to explore how to effectively avoid pollution problems at this stage, or to gradually open up the use of lead-acid batteries in the process of gradually improving lead-acid battery management. .

According to industry insiders, if all low-speed electric vehicles are replaced with lithium batteries in the future, the average cost per vehicle will be at least 5,000 yuan higher. The author believes that although the use of lithium batteries will increase the cost of products, if the company adjusts its product strategy in time and upgrades its products, the market demand may not be greatly affected.

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