On August 19, 2015, the Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference. At the meeting, a high tax rate was imposed on the “double counter” final ruling on the production of passenger cars and light truck tires originating in China by the United States. Shen Danyang said that this will cause Chinese tire products to have a great impact on U.S. exports. China still urges the United States to correct its mistaken practices as soon as possible. At the same time, China will continue to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests through the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and other channels.

Shen Danyang said that in June this year, the US Department of Commerce made the final ruling on anti-dumping countervailing investigations on passenger car and light truck tires originating in China. The tax rate of China's responding companies was 30.61%-51.33%, and the national unified tax rate was 107.07%. In July, the US International Trade Commission finalized the ruling that China’s exports to the United States caused material damage to the US domestic industry. This means that the United States will impose a deposit on China's tire products imported into the United States based on the aforementioned tax rate, which will lead to a significant impact on Chinese exports of tire products to the United States.

Shen Danyang pointed out that in this case, the United States had many problems from the initiation of the investigation to the final investigation. At the beginning of the case, the Chinese side questioned the eligibility of the applicant in this case. However, the U.S. Department of Commerce still decided to file a case investigation when the US tire manufacturer was neutral. In the course of the investigation, the U.S. investigation authority artificially cuts out high tax rates by using unreasonable practices such as the use of surrogate country data and presumption of unfavorable facts. The United States also disregards China’s specific national conditions and related WTO cases and rejects the separate tax rate application of Chinese state-owned enterprises. The application of the national unified tax rate constitutes discrimination and restrictions on Chinese state-owned enterprises and the economic system. In the damage investigation, the United States ruled that the related imported products caused damage to their domestic industries. This decision is inconsistent with the facts. It is obviously influenced by political influence and the color of trade protection is very obvious.

Shen Danyang emphasized that although the case has been finalized, the Chinese side still urges the US to adopt a responsible attitude and actions to correct the wrong practices as soon as possible and create a stable environment for cooperation between the tire industry in China and the United States. At the same time, China will continue to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests through the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and other channels.

Shen Danyang also stated that at present, Chinese tire companies have implemented market diversification and globalization is an inevitable choice for achieving sustainable development. Facing the situation of limited exports to the United States and fierce domestic competition, it is believed that many tire companies will more actively adjust their product mix and accelerate the pace of starting overseas investment. The Ministry of Commerce will, as always, support and guide Chinese tire companies to “go global”, accelerate structural adjustment, and achieve healthy and sustainable development.

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