The drivers all said that they would be tired to drive a car now. They would look at the car and watch pedestrians see the traffic lights. Even so, it will be illegal if you are not careful. Too much tears, can only pay more attention to their own!

1, high-speed lane test speed

Everyone knows that there are three lanes with different speed limits on the highway. Generally, the innermost speed limit is 120 km/h, the middle one is 100 km/h, and the rightmost one is 80 km/h. From the high speed limit to the low speed speed change lane or overtaking, be sure to pay attention to the speed change, otherwise you may “eat” the speeding ticket.

2, junction and line

In general, the lane dividers of the intersections are all solid lines. Some impetuous drivers, when they see congestion in the row, will directly turn left or right to the inside of the lane. This will not only easily result in the danger of scraping or rear-end, but also Was fined 200 yuan.

3, the green light does not go

When the green light is on, the vehicle pedestrians in front of the line are about to start. Otherwise, it is a violation of the rules. It is necessary to obey the unified command of the signal light, and the rules for stopping the green light at the red light cannot be forgotten. When waiting for traffic lights, attention should be focused. It is best not to play with mobile phones.

4, on-street parking

It is normal for a roadside illegal parking to be punished. In addition, if you call or wait for people to park on the street, if you have a non-motorized vehicle or a pedestrian hits your car, you have to take full responsibility for the accident. So don't stop at random even if you stop temporarily.

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