Gas chromatography is widely used in petroleum, chemical, biochemical, medical and health, food industry, and environmental protection. In addition to quantitative and qualitative analysis, it can also determine the physical and chemical constants such as the partition coefficient, activity coefficient, molecular weight, and specific surface area of ​​the sample on the stationary phase. An instrument that analyzes and tests the components of a gas mixture.

Gas Chromatograph Basic Structure The basic structure of a gas chromatograph consists of two parts, an analysis unit and a display unit. The former mainly include gas sources and control metering devices, sample feeding devices, thermostats and columns. The latter mainly includes the detector and the automatic recorder. Columns (including stationary phase) and calibrators are the core components of a gas chromatograph.

1. The gas path in the carrier gas system gas chromatograph is a closed circuit system in which the carrier gas continuously operates. The entire carrier gas system requires the carrier gas to be pure, tightly closed, stable in flow velocity, and accurate in flow rate measurement.

2. Injection system injection is the rapid and quantitative addition of gas or liquid sample to the top of the column.

3. Separation system The core of the separation system is the column. Its role is to separate the multi-component sample into individual components. Columns are divided into packed and capillary columns.

4. Detection system The role of the detector is to convert the components of the sample that are separated by the column into electrical signals according to their characteristics and contents. After amplification, they are recorded by the recorder as chromatograms.

5. Signal recording or microcomputer data processing systems In recent years, chromatographic data processors have mainly been used in gas chromatographs. Chromatographic data processors can print the recorded chromatograms and print the processed results on the same recording paper, such as retention time, measured component mass fraction, and more.

7. The temperature control system is used to control and measure the temperature of the column, detector and gasification chamber and is an important part of the gas chromatograph. Gas chromatograph is divided into two categories: one is gas-solid chromatograph, and the other is gas-liquid chromatograph. The two types of chromatographs have different stationary phases, but the structure of the instrument is universal.

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