Introduction: The smart grid is a global point of view in recent years. Smart meters, as part of the development of smart grids, are equally hot. The latest generation of smart meter-controlled smart energy meters in China. Compared to the old-fashioned meter, this meter has many functions such as energy metering, time-sharing metering, time-sharing switching, electronic pulse, etc. It is an important part of implementing a smart grid. Right now, the staff is working overtime to add relevant information through the computer, and then will continue to run on the Bureau's rural online line.

The replacement of smart meters is part of the construction of a centralized automatic meter reading system for power users (hereinafter referred to as “gang reading system”). Through the collection and copying system, it is possible to realize the functions of remote automatic transcription of electricity consumption, remote stop and restoration of electricity, and the like, which is accurate and convenient. Customers do not have to count the number of days and other meter readers, but also can easily understand their own power consumption and other information. If the customer fails to pay due to the payment of electricity, as long as the timely payment of arrears, the system can quickly send long-distance transmission, reducing the original artificial site operation waiting time. Zhuzhou, Hunan 160,000 households use smart meters before the end of the year. With the promotion and application of smart meters in the whole county, rumors have been circulating about the use of smart meters that are faster than ordinary meters and that smart meters will be recharged. Guide work to create a good atmosphere for the smooth metering of smart meters. As of September 30, the Zhejiang Luzhou Electric Power Bureau installed 142,000 smart meters of the State Grid to complete the annual promotion plan in advance. The promotion and application of smart energy meters is an important part of the construction of the smart grid of the State Grid. The Bureau passed a number of measures to ensure the smart meters to promote the application and stable and reliable operation, carry out intelligent power meter quality supervision work, improve and perfect the smart power meter life cycle management system, strict acceptance of the arrival of the goods and all inspections to prevent Smart energy meters with qualified and quality hazards enter the operation. Improve the quality of smart meter detection capabilities, seriously fulfill the responsibilities assigned by the government measurement management department, to avoid the occurrence of batch quality quality failures in the operation of smart energy meters, ensure accurate and stable operation of smart energy meter; improve smart meter detection capabilities, standardize standardized installation, implementation of the operation sampling , Scientifically and rigorously supervise the strengthening of fault analysis and quality supervision information management. It is reported that during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the Bureau will promote the use of more than one million smart energy meters to achieve full coverage. With the continuous promotion and application of smart energy meters, the Bureau will use various forms to continue to increase the promotion of smart energy meter replacement work to further improve the acceptance of smart watches.

According to the U.S. newspaper, the main meter supplier in Brazil, ELOSistemas Eletronicos, announced that the company has obtained approval from the government to become Brazil's first energy company approved to manufacture and supply smart grid products. ELOSistemas Eletronicos will then mass-produce single-phase, multiphase and current transformer meters. Echelon will cooperate with it to provide smart meter auxiliary systems, including power line controllers, communications technology, and intelligence. Meter embedded firmware. Echelon, headquartered in San Jose, Calif., is a well-known US energy management network company. The company said that it has connected 35 million households, 300,000 buildings, and 100 million electronic devices to the smart grid globally.

According to foreign media reports, France is vigorously promoting the popularity of smart meters. The relevant person of the French Ministry of Industry has stated that the department will formally announce the relevant decision on the installation of smart meters on the 28th. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of smart meter installations in France will reach 35 million, and the household smart meter penetration rate will reach 80%. According to reports, the French government plans to order and install new electricity meters from the France Power Transmission Company, a subsidiary of the French Electric Power Company. The government stated that it will install new electricity meters free of charge, while not increasing tariffs on power grid use. It is expected that from the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014, France will enter the large-scale installation phase of smart meters.

The occurrence of the Great Earthquake in Japan directly accelerated the country’s understanding and demand for smart grids, and the smart grid became the “golden key” for Japan to solve energy problems. Tsuji Murakami said: "Japan's smart grid is also in development, but compared with China, the previous development goals are not clear. In China, the development of UHV construction and smart projects shows China's firm belief in the development of smart grids. With a clear goal, China has done a good job in building smart grids.” For example, smart meters are used. At present, Japan only initiates some pilot projects for smart meters, and China has begun large-scale installations. Japanese entrepreneurs like Murakami are not rare. The reporter found that Japanese companies such as Fuji Electric, Toyota, Mitsubishi, and En Wing Paiva all sent representatives to the forum. The enthusiasm of Japanese companies for smart grids is evident. In addition, smart grid-related products such as smart meters and energy management systems have also been favored by Japanese companies. Yan Tatsuo-an, a researcher at the Nikkei BP Cleantech Institute, said that the trend of introducing energy management systems or smart meters in the home has emerged in Japan, but the problems encountered are higher costs. The power consumption information collection systems and smart meters that China has already promoted are enough for Japanese companies to learn from. For example, the user's unified management is implemented functionally, and autonomous and decentralized systems are merged.

Smart meter installation has become a part of the smart grid construction. With other terminal equipment, real-time acquisition of customer electricity data has been achieved. It is believed that with the continuous improvement of the level of the power industry, it will bring more convenient and intimate value-added services to the happy life of customers.

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