In the display market in the first half of 2014, the small-pitch HD screen is undoubtedly the mainstream of the market. Several large-scale backbone enterprises in the industry are grabbing this blue ocean market in real time. For a long time, an important reason why LED displays cannot compete with commercial large-screen products represented by liquid crystals is the difference in display effects. With the introduction of high-density small-pitch LED products, this short board has been largely compensated. It is precisely because of this that the LED display began to have a high-profile atmosphere. Although the market for manufacturers involved in small-pitch LED displays is growing rapidly, product upgrades are accelerating, but at the application level, the market size is still very limited. It is foreseeable that after the production scale reaches a certain level, the expansion of the application market will become the highlight of the industry development. So, what is the potential application market for this industry that is favored by many companies? Target positioning indoor large-screen commercial display At the beginning of its birth, small-pitch LED display screens have been regarded by traditional LED companies as a magic weapon to break the limitations of LED display outdoor applications, and look forward to the indoor commercial display market that has never been involved but has broad market prospects. A cup of soup. It is undeniable that compared with the traditional indoor large-screen splicing, the small-pitch LED display does have certain advantages (for example, compared with the LCD splicing screen, it has an unparalleled seamless advantage; compared with the DLP splicing screen Its application form is more flexible, and it can be equipped with touch, naked-eye 3D, 4K and other trend-based technologies according to application requirements. However, as an emerging technology, small-pitch LED displays also have certain short-boards (such as It can't compete with the cost advantage of LCD splicing. It still can't match the DLP splicing screen in the delicate degree of the picture, and there are also high cost problems). The coexistence of such advantages and disadvantages is bound to the opportunity and challenge of the indoor commercial display application of small-pitch LEDs. In the indoor large-screen commercial display market, the application of LCD splicing and DLP splicing is very mature, covering the middle and high-end in a comprehensive way. Therefore, for the small-pitch LED display with a small gap, there is only a blank market, but there is almost no blank application. In order to gain market share, it can only be eaten by the tiger, and it is directly confronted with LCD splicing and DLP splicing. The difficulty is obvious. Entering the civilian market, high-end TVs don't put eggs in the same basket. This is obviously the voice of traditional LED display companies in expanding the market for small-pitch LED applications. Therefore, although it is an indoor application, it is also used in commercial applications. They have not neglected the wide-ranging civilian market. However, in practice, they are both positive and positive, as well as reserved observers. Strongers, such as Liard, made it clear that the company plans to gradually push small-pitch LED TVs into the high-end civilian market in the fourth quarter of this year, while Chaon Ming Technology, which is also a traditional LED display company, has reservations about this. It is believed that at this stage, the cost of small-pitch LED TVs is too high, and there are short boards that are not suitable for long-term viewing. It is still not completely certain to enter the civilian market. It is not difficult to find out from the vendor's different attitudes that small-pitch LED TVs are entering the civilian market. They are still in the water test stage and have no market size. Their future development is still a big question mark. Cost is the biggest obstacle to the popularity of small-pitch LEDs. The above analysis is not difficult to see, whether in the commercial display field or in the civilian market, the entanglement of the popularization of small-pitch LED displays has returned to high costs. This is also an unavoidable problem in small-pitch LED applications. For example, Wistron, which has already adopted small pitch as the company's emerging business and has already withdrawn from a variety of small-pitch LED products, clearly stated that before the current LED process technology has no major innovation, small spacing, such as P1.2, commercial cost. Too high, users still can not afford, the actual development value is open to question. This is obviously contrary to the application concept of the terminal market that pursues the ultimate display effect. In any industry, as the technology matures and the producers' camp grows, there will be economies of scale, which will lead to cost reductions. In the small-pitch LED industry, it is no exception. In the component composition of the small-pitch LED display, the cost of the lamp bead is 60 to 80, and the increasing size of the small-pitch LED display will make the cost of the lamp be lowered due to the scale effect, thus driving the small-pitch LED display. The cost is lowered. According to this, the projection age network analysis believes that in the popularization of small-pitch LED display, high cost will not be a permanent obstacle. From the perspective of long-term development, the application scale and application cost of small-pitch LED is Complementary, when the two reach a state of equilibrium, small-pitch LEDs will usher in a real application burst.

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