On September 28, drizzle rained down from the sky. Zhang Luya, general manager of China Pingmei Shenma Group Tire Cord Co., came to the production site early in the morning. When he saw the gas emitted from the huge cans that stood in the third phase of the production line, the gas emitted from the body was in full swing with the sky. At the time, there was a gratifying smile on her face.

Cord fabric company is the world's largest nylon 66 industrial yarn, cord fabric production base. Due to the particularity of the production process, smoke produced from equipment imported from abroad will produce sour smells that have been complained by surrounding residents. Changing the production process also becomes a technical barrier.

In recent years, the company has continued to implement technological transformation. Since 2006, it has conducted trials of fumes on two new projects. Through a large number of experimental studies on the production and composition of synthetic fiber spinning fumes, they found that fume exhaust gas can be efficiently captured using the latest technology. Therefore, they developed a complete set of technical equipment for purification of fumes from exhaust gas, which has achieved a smoke removal rate of more than 95%.

With technology, how to translate into results is the key. In May of this year, the company established a spinning fume treatment technical transformation project team and built a cylinder and two horizontal rectangular fume treatment devices in advance. On September 27, the company smoothly completed the system docking during the equipment overhaul period. The light blue smoke could no longer be seen over the plant area.

The company's biphenyl furnace originally imported from abroad, the use of heat conductive medium odor. In this equipment overhaul, they adopted a new type of domestic furnace, and new materials were selected for the heat transfer medium. The new material does not pollute the air, and it is safer and more environmentally friendly. It also saves procurement costs of 1.2 million yuan and can save 100,000 kwh per year.

In terms of industrial wastewater treatment, the company successfully applied the nitrifying bacteria strain to improve the bacterial population of the wastewater treatment system through technological breakthroughs, and developed a new process suitable for waste water treatment of hexamethylene diamine. The emission index is superior to the national comprehensive emission standard. Wastewater recycling is realized.

Vertical Briquette Machine

Ecohydraulic briquetters turn your scrap metal into compressed blocks that are easier to handle, store and transport and can be sold for recycling. Ecohydraulic briquetters are hydraulically powered, compressing your metal with no added materials, so the quality and purity of the metal are maintained, this maximize the value of the metal.
We recommend you a fully-automatic metal briquetting line, with conveyor, bunker, elevator, etc. Our Y83 vertical briquetting press has advantages as follows:
1) suitable for tiny metal scraps
2) with fast unit, hydraulic Acceleration System
3) High Briquet Density
4) Customized Accessories
5) Water Cooling or Air Cooling System

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