The rapid development of agriculture is inseparable from the support provided by quality seeds. In modern agricultural production, seeds are the basic means of production. In order to improve and guarantee the quality and safety of seeds, the agricultural field has always attached great importance to seed testing, and actively used various seed testing instruments to continuously improve the level of seed testing. Seed quality testing system. Here is a seed instrument- seed X-ray machine for non-destructive testing of seeds.

Seed X-ray machine

There are many items for seed testing. Different testing items require different seed testing instruments to ensure that all aspects of the seed are up to standard. In terms of seed health detection, how to achieve non-destructive and efficient internal seed detection has always been a technical problem. Inspired by X-ray machine perspective technology, Top Yunon has developed a professional instrument-seed X-ray machine that can be used for internal inspection of seeds. The instrument can directly see the seeds and spy on the mysteries inside the seeds. The whole process is non-destructive to the seeds, and it is accurate and efficient. It can be used to check the full, empty and deformed grains of the seeds, and to determine the vigor and maturity of the seeds.

The detection principle of the seed X-ray machine is to use the X-rays with weak penetration ability as the light source for the perspective inspection. Under normal circumstances, the internal color of the excellent seeds is deep, while the internal color of the empty particles and the enamel particles is shallow. Compared with the tetrazolium staining method and the standard germination rate box, the technique detects the internal quality of the seed, has the advantages of high speed, accuracy, convenient operation, no restriction of seed dormancy period, no damage to the seed, etc., and the instrument can be better observed by using the instrument. Seed concealed pests, fullness, anatomy, morphological germination, openness, mechanical damage, multi-embryonic phenomena and life rate, germination rate, etc. With the continuous development and maturity of this technology, we believe that this method will It is becoming more and more popular, and it plays its due role in seed quality assurance and improvement work, and promotes the upgrading of agricultural quality.

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