Pay attention to the internal factors of seeds to increase the germination rate of seeds

Harvesting seeds timely: Affected by climatic conditions, when late rice is ripe at harvest, in the event of continuous rainy weather, coupled with high temperatures, it is easy to cause late rice sprouting. If the seed cannot be dried in time after harvest, it will aggravate the deterioration of the seed, further affect the quality of the seed, and thus affect the normal germination of the seed. Therefore, it is necessary to timely harvest the seeds and dry them in time.

Breaking seed dormancy: In production, in order to speed up seed germination and increase seed germination rate, artificial methods are often used to break seed dormancy. For seeds with poor seed coat permeability and dormancy, mechanical friction, warming, and strong acid treatment methods can be used to break the seed coat and increase the seed's air permeability and water permeability. For seeds that dormancy due to embryos, methods such as stratification, temperature change, and phytohormones are often used. For seeds that require low temperatures to ripen, they can be treated with gibberellin. Seeds that cause dormancy due to the presence of inhibitory substances can generally be removed by water soaking, rinsing, or high temperature methods to promote germination. Seed germination generally selects the precise seed germination box for environmental control in order to allow the seeds to grow better and faster.

Control seed moisture: At the time of seed acquisition, there are three key issues to be considered: cleanliness, moisture, and germination. The most direct and crucial issue in these three levels is the moisture level. In Pinghu City, the number of seed breeding for large households accounts for more than 60% of the total amount of seeds purchased. If the seeds are not dried in time after harvest, the seed viability and germination rate will decline. The germination box is an essential instrument for germination experiments. The use of seed drying equipment is a key measure for safe storage of seeds. Practice has proved that after reasonable drying of the seeds, the metabolism is reduced to a very slow speed, can maintain the quality and viability of excellent seeds for a long time; at the same time, drying can also promote the post-maturation of seeds and solve the problems that have been plagued by breeding. The problem of difficult seeding for large families ensures the quality of seed acquisition.

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