According to the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January 1, 2015, from the day after tomorrow, China will implement the National IV emission standard for diesel vehicles, and the diesel engines of the National III standard (engine) will not be sold and registered.
Solving the high emissions of diesel vehicles, talking about heavy-duty diesel vehicles, many people will have such a picture in their minds: the engine emits a loud noise of toot, and the car’s butt is a thick black smoke. People always frown, cover their mouth and nose, and try to hide far away. Although such a situation is not common in metropolitan areas, exhaust emissions from diesel vehicles have always been a big problem. It is understood that in recent years, China has significantly improved automobile exhaust emissions through a series of oil upgrading and vehicle exhaust control, but diesel exhaust emissions have not been fundamentally resolved.
According to the "2013 China Motor Vehicle Pollution Prevention and Control Annual Report" issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection at the beginning of this year, the number of motor vehicles in China increased by 7.8% in 2012, of which only 10.1% of the vehicles that meet the national IV and above standards, the national III standard cars. Accounted for 51.5%, the national II standard car accounted for 15.7%, the national I standard car accounted for 14.9%. The remaining 7.8% of the cars still do not meet the national I standard. Classified by environmental label. “Green Label Vehicle” accounted for 86.6%, and the high-emission “Yellow Label Vehicle” still accounted for 13.4%. Relevant statistics show that in 2012, the number of heavy-duty trucks in China was 4.725 million, accounting for 2.11% of the total vehicle ownership, but the proportion of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emitted was 49.3% and 60.7%, respectively. In other words, heavy-duty trucks (diesel vehicles) are the “culprits” of motor vehicle emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. According to statistics, in 2013, the sales volume of heavy-duty diesel vehicles in China was 770,000, and the number is still increasing.
According to the national “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, nitrogen oxides are listed as binding indicators, requiring a 10% reduction in emissions during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period. In order to control the exhaust emissions of diesel vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued an announcement in the first half of this year to clarify that diesel vehicle products applicable to the National III emission standards will be abolished by the end of this year. In other words, starting from New Year's Day next year, the National III standard diesel car will not be sold.
SCR technology allows tail gas to meet standards As the environmental protection department proposes to further reduce nitrogen oxide pollutants emitted by diesel engines, engine manufacturers are eager to use their post-treatment technologies. A SCR technology (Selective Catalytic Reduction Technology) that responds to diesel emissions has emerged. It is understood that the current European and American developed countries mainly use SCR technology, which is an oxidation catalytic technology that can solve the problem of exhaust emissions from heavy diesel vehicles. At present, China's all-country IV standard diesel vehicles are also equipped with SCR systems.
According to reports, after using the exhaust gas treatment liquid, it can reduce 90% of nitrogen oxides and 80% of particulate matter in diesel exhaust. This technology mainly uses diesel exhaust gas treatment liquid (commonly known as vehicle urea liquid) for diesel engine exhaust after-treatment, as a reducing agent for SCR system, thereby effectively reducing the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in diesel exhaust. . Reduce PM emissions by increasing the temperature and pressure inside the cylinder. In the SCR system, a urea tank (loading diesel exhaust gas treatment liquid) and an SCR catalytic reaction tank are included. The operation process is: when nitrogen oxides are found in the exhaust pipe, the urea tank automatically ejects the diesel exhaust gas treatment liquid, and the diesel exhaust gas treatment liquid and the nitrogen oxides undergo oxidation-reduction reaction in the SCR catalytic reaction tank to generate pollution-free Nitrogen and water vapor are discharged.
According to experts, the SCR system will be the main technical direction for the future domestic diesel engine emission upgrade. At present, domestic mainstream diesel engine manufacturers have basically reached a consensus. The main reason why the SCR system is suitable for the Chinese market is: First, the SCR system can effectively save fuel consumption. The fuel consumption of the SCR system is slightly lower than that of the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) + DPF (Application Particle Collector) system, and its urea aqueous solution consumption can also be compensated for in fuel consumption. Second, in the EGR+DPF system, it needs to be increased. The size of the cooler, the SCR system requires only one additional storage tank, which has little effect on the design of the vehicle cab; thirdly, if this technology is used now, the emission regulations can be met for a long time, until Europe The introduction of V and even higher emission standards; in addition, the engine complexity is low, the application is wide, and the SCR system can meet the national III and national IV standards at the same time.
Relevant experts remind consumers that when choosing to purchase the corresponding products, they need to choose a regular manufacturer and choose a regular channel to buy.

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