Retail battery waste acquisition channels will open. May 26, a man dumping used batteries in the sewer electrolyte, the reporter followed the discovery of an illegal acquisition of used batteries dens, the purchase amount is extremely alarming. After the dens were seized for a few days, some people even tearing up the seals, stole all the detained items and cleaned the site. At present, the local environmental protection and public security have been separately administrative and criminal case filing.

The survey also revealed that despite the strict management policies, but the grass-roots waste battery management is still a serious problem. At present, Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau has made a number of pragmatic adjustments to its management policies. These new measures are expected to curb the "throat" of illegal activities.

The current annual output of over 10,000 tons of used batteries

According to an insider survey, Nanjing City, Nissan currently more than 100 tons of used batteries, that is, an annual output of 34,000 tons.

Solid waste work is the deputy director of Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau in charge of the range. According to its introduction, Nanjing currently has a total of 2.5 million motor vehicles, which is the main battery used to generate waste, the rest there are industrial and mining backup power supply, mobile communication station uninterruptible power supply, the amount of gross estimate of 3 million. The frequency of elimination once every two years, Nanjing market year out of about 1.5 million used batteries.

To each used battery ten kilograms of weight conversion, with an annual output of 15,000 tons of used batteries, the figure is more reliable.

However, it is puzzling that an Anwei company, which does not yet possess the qualifications to acquire, has an area of ​​hundreds of square meters of business area and its daily average acquisition volume is between 200,000 and 300,000. If allowed to continue, its annual acquisition The amount may reach an astonishing nearly 10,000 tons - a dens swallowing a waste of more than half of Nanjing's batteries? is it possible?

Deputy Secretary told reporters from various characteristics, AnWei should be a senior battery waste battery acquisition role, the corresponding acquisition of a huge object, and its acquisition may involve neighboring provinces, otherwise it is impossible in the short term there is such a big the amount. And now, it has been proved that the battery that Angie acquired illegally has not been delivered to the only waste battery recycling enterprise in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

Regular main call acquisition volume is very small

At present, the units authorized by Nanjing are Nanjing Jiangyuan Recycling Resources Utilization Co., Ltd., Nanjing Huanghu Recycling Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Jiahui Renewable Resources Utilization Co., Ltd. respectively. Nanjing currently plans to develop two more, but according to reports, the current enthusiasm of related enterprises is not too high.

Why the enthusiasm of enterprises is not high? According to reports, this is mainly because the profits of such enterprises are limited, in the standard mode of operation, such as the company, and Wei An completely different situation, in order to prevent ground corrosion, Jiangyuan even the ground is cut off with a plate In order to avoid secondary pollution of underground soil.

This huge investment, corresponding to the production, processing and acquisition, but also need to re-invest in waste disposal.

Correspondingly, 10 kilograms of used batteries will produce two kilograms of waste acid. The disposal cost is 14 yuan to 20 yuan depending on the management methods of each household. The total storage, transportation and disposal costs will be 7,000 yuan per ton of waste liquid .

At this stage, the company approved the acquisition of 2,000 tons per year, but the actual acquisition was only 1,000 tons. In the first half of 2016, the actual acquisition of the company was 560 tons. The other approved a maximum amount of 70,000 tons of enterprises, at this stage in the renewal stage, and the acquisition of the person in charge of its introduction is "very few."

According to the approval of the amount of 70,000 tons per annum Central Hong Company, mainly because, as time goes by, a number of major battery manufacturers are now also starting the so-called "bidding" and is outside the three approved units in Nanjing bidding, The three companies that are moving forward with "standard pace" simply can not compete with those non-regular enterprises. As a result, a large amount of used batteries break away from formal channels and flow into the gray area.

The use of paper single convenience retail deal

At present, the key to the success or failure of the management of used batteries lies in the fact that we can not let the battery small.

Nanjing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, deputy director of the party told reporters that the current EPA monitoring range, but also mainly in the 4S shop and other production waste battery level, but the retail store level, the level of personal battery production is indeed a can not be ignored level, before Model, because the first disposal of waste batteries to retail individuals for personal use is exempt from management, personal and retail batteries are not disposed of in the environmental protection department's computer list and can not form the necessary transfer documents for disposal. Several acquisition units do Do not accept the personal use of used batteries, resulting in a large number of personal and retail stores generated waste batteries have no way out or cumbersome way, residents give up, the battery flow into the gray channel.

Now, the EPA has notified all companies to buy, the first need to set up a point in the city, take the initiative to dock up to receive personal waste of used batteries, the second is to allow the acquisition of paper-based companies to facilitate scattered retail battery handling.

Trailing strike as effectively against the attack

In the management of used batteries, Nanjing City is at the forefront of the province, but the current regulatory difficulties are also very serious.

Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau, said in charge of frankly, they reported the incident Jinling Evening News sulfuric acid as a whole is welcome, because the management of used batteries is a complex process that requires the cooperation of many units, and the problems are exposed, all have caused Enough attention, at present, they have sorted out the key to deal with the problem, all the close cooperation is also unprecedented.

Therefore, the next step, the environmental protection department will increase the intensity of law enforcement, and law enforcement to interrupt the channel, smash the storage point or even the point of illegal lead concentration, especially the transport links and public security departments to strengthen cooperation and focus on cracking down.

The current analysis, per ton of waste battery processing profits are also limited, waste batteries and lead out of the part must be carried out in batches, the target is relatively large, and not easy to hide, is the most obvious and most convenient to combat "weakness" and this link Once severely hit, such as pulling the grass roots, pay only stop boiling.

"Low song" can only "and the public"

Waste battery acquisition battle, both black and white channels are advancing, who's pragmatic channels, who's channel is easy, who is the winner. It is undeniable that harsh harsh management tools are indeed necessary, which is conducive to the construction of the basic norms of disposal of order, or a mess, not conducive to the whole


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