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Figure 1 Forced caving mining method in horizontal deep hole mining stage
1-Transportation roadway; 2-Pedestrian ventilation patio; 3--distribution chute; 4-contact roadway;
5-electric roadway; 6-ditch roadway; 7-ditch cutting patio; 8-stone drilling patio contact roadway;
9-rock drilling patio and diverticulum; 10-cut medium deep hole; 11-level deep hole; 12-valping rock
Figure 2 Forced caving mining method in the vertical upward fan-shaped medium-deep hole mining stage
1-passing the roadway; 2-loading roadway; 3-ventilated pedestrian patio;
4-way along the roadway; 5-return roadway; 6-rock tunnel;
7-contact roadway; 8-falling ore; 9-falling rock; 10-mining runway
Figure 3 Forced caving mining method in the falling room of the drug room
1- along the pulse transport roadway; 2 - mine runoff; 3- electric roadway; 4-wind contact roadway;
5- return air contact roadway; 6-bucket wear; 7-funnel; 8-rock drilling roadway; 9-rock drilling chamber;
10-deep hole; 11-cut slot; 12-lower disk inlet patio; 13-upper plate return air patio;
14-pharmacy contact roadway; 15-drug approach; 16-drug room; 17-mineral boundary; 18-falling ore
The main features of the stage forced collapse method are: one-step recovery, with a medium-deep hole, deep hole or full height once collapsed, and the mining height is equal to the full height of the stage. The caving ore is released under the overburden rock.
The main schemes can be divided into:
(1) Forced caving method in the horizontal deep hole falling ore stage, as shown in Figure 1. Horizontal fan-shaped deep holes are drilled in the rock drilling chamber. After drilling the middle-deep hole in the fan-shaped roadway to form a compensation hole, the horizontal deep hole once falls. At the level of antimony ore, it is discharged with electricity.
(2) Forced caving method in vertical deep hole mining stage, as shown in Figure 2.
Excavate the cutting vertical trough at a suitable position near the upper disc mine, and use the vertical trough as the blasting free surface (compensation space) to blast the deep hole in the middle section. The caving ore is discharged by the scraper in the loading roadway at the bottom of the nugget.
(3) Forced caving method in the falling chamber of the drug room, as shown in Figure 3. The cutting groove for the compensation space at the bottom of the nugget is formed by the shallow hole retention method. After the cutting groove is used as the free surface to form a compensation space for the deep hole, the ore of the upper chamber is collapsed once, and the ore that has collapsed is discharged by electric raft under the overburden, and is discharged to the stage transportation lane through the ore discharge.