Recently, Lotus President Jean-Marc Gales has revealed the new car plan of Lotus to foreign media, and will launch a number of new cars in the future.
In the next two years, Lotus will introduce replacement or redesigned models of Elise, Exige and Evora. More new technologies will be applied to these new vehicles. The new products will have lighter body weight and more powerful power system. . In addition, Lotus will also be able to launch the Evora soft top convertible. In addition, in the future, Lotus will also introduce a 2-Eleven replacement model. According to overseas media reports, the body weight of this car will be controlled at around 900kg, which will be equipped with a maximum power of 406 horsepower.


Gabion nets are fabricated in the form of iron wire or polymer wire mesh that fixes the rock fill in place.

The Gabions is a structure made of wire Woven or Welded.

Gabion net can be used for

• Slope support

• Foundation pit support

• Shotcrete with net hanging on mountain rock surface

• Slope vegetation (greening)

• Railroad highway isolation fence

• It can also be made into cages and net mats, which are used for the anti-scouring protection of rivers, dams and seawalls, and net cages for the closure of reservoirs and rivers.

Features and Advantages

√ The flexible structure can adapt to the changes of the slope without being destroyed, and has better safety and stability than the rigid structure;

√ Strong anti-scouring ability, can withstand water flow speed up to 6m/s;

√ The structure is inherently water-permeable, and has strong tolerance for the natural and filtering effects of groundwater. Suspended matter and silt in the water can be deposited in the rock fill, which is conducive to the growth of natural plants and gradually recovers Original ecological environment

Wire Mesh Gabions,Hexagonal Gabions,Gabion Hexagonal