Recently, the Corporation decided to build a large industrial capital to build large rubber (China) Co., Ltd., the addition of all steel truck and bus tire plant in Kunshan, Jiangsu.

It is understood that Kunshan New Plant has a total investment of 99 million U.S. dollars and a registered capital of 33 million U.S. dollars. It is expected that the new plant will begin construction early next year. The new plant will have a daily production capacity of 7,000 to 10,000 units. After the project reaches production, it is expected to produce 2.1 million tires a year, with an annual production value of 3.2 billion yuan.

Jianda Rubber (China) Co., Ltd. has achieved rapid development in Kunshan, with an annual output of 67 million tires, including bicycles, motorcycles, and automobiles, and achieved sales of 2.6 billion yuan last year.

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