First, the air filter should be clean and free of blockage, the suction valve and the exhaust valve are intact, the direction of the valve plate should not be reversed, and the sealing between the valve plate and the valve seat should be tight.
Second, the inner wall of the cylinder should be clean and there is no trace of local wear; the cylinder head gasket should be complete and tight; the piston and spring expansion ring of the cylinder should be intact, and the expansion ring should be tightly attached to the cylinder wall during the piston movement.
Third, the crankshaft and bearing bush should be well fixed, and the position of the pin is appropriate.
4. All accessories such as coolers, fan blades and motors, pulleys, etc. should be cleaned and installed firmly, and should not be vibrated and loosened during operation.
5. The oil level in the cylinder should be at the position of the marking line.
6. The lubricating oil for the cylinder should meet the technical requirements of the product; the heating device for the cylinder oil should be in good condition.
7. The automatic sewage discharge device should operate correctly. The dirt should be led to the outside and should not be placed in the cable trench.
8. The installation of the air compressor unit shall comply with the relevant requirements of the current national standard “Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering”; the installation of the air compressor unit motor shall comply with the current national standard “Code for Construction and Acceptance of Rotating Electric Machines for Installation of Electrical Installations”. The relevant provisions of the motor chapter.

ZLYJ reducer

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Zhoushan Batten Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. ,