PetroChina, which accounts for more than 76% of the country's natural gas output, has only 5% of the city's gas terminal market. The huge gap and profit margins make China Petroleum disagree. According to insiders of CNPC, PetroChina will set up a special gas sales company. Recently, Xiang Pingsheng, general manager of the former North China Sales Branch, has been transferred to the group leader of the sales company's preparatory group.
Low profile into the city gas distribution
“Huan Pingsheng has very rich experience in natural gas sales,” an insider of PetroChina told the reporter. Xiang Pingsheng first worked for CNPC Chongqing Sales Co., Ltd. In 2004, he was appointed as the general manager and deputy party secretary of the North China Sales Branch. Chongqing is the country with the highest natural gasification rate and the largest sales volume. It is understood that the current preparatory group led by Xiang Pingsheng has dozens of people. The main structure of the new company will come from this preparatory group.
“Because of the loss of refining business, natural gas will become a new business growth point for the company in the future,” a person familiar with the CNPC sales company revealed to reporters. After the price increase of refined oil products on June 19, the use of natural gas in all cities has increased significantly. The increase in Chongqing was as high as 50%, while the sales volume of refined oil dropped by 20%.
Faced with the current situation in which it is difficult to increase oil and gas production significantly, CNPC’s senior officials emphasized at many meetings that the natural gas business must be positioned as a new business growth point. In 2007, the operating profit of the natural gas pipeline and sales segment was 7.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39%, and the natural gas business also became the fastest growing segment in all business segments.
Energy giants and downstream markets
After more than 10 years of development since 1998, the domestic urban gas market has been dominated by private companies such as Xinao Gas and China Resources Gas. At present, in the field of urban gas, CNPC still plays a large role as a wholesaler. At present, the ex-factory price of natural gas is only about 1 yuan, but the natural gas price in each city is 2-3 times the wholesale price. Among them, 1.9 yuan in Chongqing, 2.5 yuan in Shijiazhuang, and about 3.3 yuan in Shanghai. The intermediate profits are mostly obtained by city gas distributors.
The data shows that in the natural gas upstream market, the proven reserves of China National Petroleum Corporation account for approximately 70% of the country's proven natural gas reserves, and its production accounts for approximately 76%. However, in 2007, China's city gas distribution market accounted for only about 5% of China National Petroleum Corporation.
In fact, PetroChina has long been aware of this gap. Since 2007, CNPC has successively signed comprehensive cooperation framework agreements with Gansu, Jilin, Jiangsu, and Guangdong, and along the second line of the West-East Gas Pipeline to the Yangtze River Delta, focusing on the central area of ​​China. Three regions, including the triangle and the Bohai Sea, have been extended, and more than 40 projects have been developed in 13 provinces across the country.
Private companies say they will be hit
However, in the city gas market, although CNPC has an absolute gas source advantage, it is still a newcomer to New Austrian Gas and China Resources Gas, which currently control the market.
Take Xinao Gas as an example. In the pipeline gas distribution in the city, as of April 2008, Xinao Gas has successfully occupied 70 cities. At present, gas companies like Xinao have already started diversification of gas sources, such as the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG), but their main source of gas is still in the hands of CNPC.
For PetroChina, a "new player" with an absolute advantage, the industry questioned that this is a monopoly myth of PetroChina in copying another refined oil retail market, that is, like PetroChina started to acquire and build a gas station in 1998, in the hope that it will be in the city gas market. Also do "upstream and downstream take-all."
How does the private gas company react to this? A person in charge of the New Austrian Gas Group Corporate Communications Center told reporters, “The entry of China National Petroleum into the urban gas market will certainly bring impact to the company's business, but the company will not launch vicious competition with PetroChina. On the contrary, the two parties may cooperate and complement each other. ."

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