Netizen is not @钱报汽车: Once on a business trip, I want to drive after going home. It turns out that the car can't be started. Is my car battery dead? How long does a car battery last? How can it be used?

Reply: Generally speaking, the battery will not have problems within two years. But if it is more than two years, it is necessary to consider whether the car battery has reached the end of its life. The service life of a car battery is generally about two years. If it is used properly, the life expectancy can reach three years or so. In actual use, try to avoid using too much electrical equipment after turning off the engine. After using the electrical equipment for more than 15 minutes, it is recommended to start the engine for 3~5 minutes before continuing to use. If the vehicle fails to start, if it is a manual gear, you can hang the 2nd gear and push the clutch to let others push. The car moves a little faster and lifts the clutch. (Do not forget to turn on the ignition switch key). In the automatic gear, you have to find a battery with electricity and connect it to your battery (positive, positive and negative). Still can't just seek emergency repairs.

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