A hand-held meteorological instrument is an agricultural instrument that can be taken directly on the hand and can measure a number of environmental parameters. There are many types of hand-held meteorological instruments, and different models of small meteorological stations have different parameters that can be measured and are highly scalable. The instrument can measure up to 13 parameters such as temperature, humidity, dew point, and light intensity in the air. , photosynthetically active radiation, CO2 concentration, wind speed, wind direction and many other parameters, the interface can be extended to 32. Hand-held weather station uses RS485 interface, data extraction and import EXCEL drawing, computer analysis software free upgrade.
Traditional agriculture takes everything from nature, and the natural environment has a huge impact on agriculture. Such as spring sowing, autumn harvest, different seasons, sowing different crops and so on. These are nature gifts. However, with the continuous deterioration of the global environment, we have found that the natural environment has caused greater and greater losses to agriculture, such as daily droughts and floods and other disasters, which have caused great impact. The hand-held meteorological instrument is a witness to this natural disaster. In addition, intelligent humans have also invented instruments such as light boxes for simulating the natural environment. These instruments are able to create the best environment for plant growth to a large extent.
Below we mainly analyze the use of hand-held meteorological instruments and troubleshooting tips: 1. No display when the instrument is turned on. Please check whether the instrument power is on, the power supply voltage is normal or not; 2. The measurement has no data display. Please check whether the communication line is in good contact and press the OK key to test. 3. Rainfall funnel balance adjustment. Before using the rain sensor, adjust the rubber band so that the rainfall funnel is in intermediate balance.

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