The incandescent lamp that illuminates the world for 135 years will gradually withdraw from the historical stage in 2014.
The United States has completely banned all incandescent lamps. Canada also banned 75W and 100W incandescent lamps from January 1 this year, and 40W and 60W bulbs will be completely banned on December 31 this year. China also released the "China's phasing out incandescent lamp roadmap" in November 2011. From October 2012, it is banned from importing and selling incandescent lamps of 100W and above; from October 2014, the market is mainly engaged in incandescent lamps of 60W power. Imports and sales will be banned.
Driven by the global policy of eliminating incandescent lamps, the penetration rate of the LED general lighting market will gradually increase, and the LED general lighting market will soon open.
In the era of global warming and the gradual reduction of conventional energy sources, energy conservation and environmental protection have become the development themes of all countries in the world. The high-energy incandescent lamp means that it consumes more coal resources and emits more carbon dioxide. This is obviously incompatible with the energy conservation and emission reduction advocated by countries, especially the Chinese government, and it is inevitably encountered by countries.
At the same time, LED products with long life, energy saving and environmental protection are praised as one of the most promising high-tech products in the 21st century. At the same time, the lighting revolution is also a high hope. In 2013, with the continuous maturity of LED technology, the growing demand for downstream lighting applications, and the successive launch of the ban on white countries, the boom index of the LED industry has risen sharply. Professional institutions predict that LED lighting in China, the European Union and the United States may double in 2014, driven by policy.
The impact of favorable policies on the LED market has only just emerged in 2014, and its long-term impact on the LED industry will become more apparent over time.
After the countries banned, the general market demand will continue to increase, more lighting companies will invest in the production of LED products, industry capacity will further expand. The influx of high-volume enterprises will make the market competition more intense, promote the continuous decline of LED gross profit margin, and achieve a sharp decline in the price of lighting products. Under the combined effect of policy and LED cost reduction, the LED lighting industry will enter the golden period of development and achieve explosive growth.

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