Article read: As China's air pollution intensifies, VOCs governance is imminent. The implementation of the national "atmospheric ten" and the new atmospheric law, VOCs governance and monitoring industry will enter the fast lane of development.

Before the smog became the "old friend" of the Chinese people, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - VOCs - were only a few words that professionals understood. Now, air pollution, home improvement, shop floor production ... Almost everyone is concerned about the hazards of VOCs.

The face of pressure and opportunities co-exist, the market calls for new technologies. One of them, "Molecular Sieve Adsorption Concentrator", is one of the most promising VOCs treatment technologies that "blow" VOCs into water and carbon dioxide.

VOCs can not be cured

VOCs, refers to hydrocarbon compounds, benzene and other volatile organic pollutants. Usually has a strong irritant and toxicity, some with "teratogenic, carcinogenic, pathogenic" sex. VOCs not only generate ozone, but also one of the sources of PM2.5. Its pollution with a proliferation of fast, wide range of influence, it is difficult to focus on the collection and processing characteristics.

In the past two years, with the national emphasis on environmental protection, the promulgation of various policies and regulations and standards, the environmental protection industry has entered the fast lane of development. As an important part of environmental protection, VOCs have drawn much attention. From the state to the local governments at all levels issued a document actively to promote the development of VOCs governance market, VOCs governance ushered in the "warm policy" style.

Known as the history of the most "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution" came into force on January 1 this year, which explicitly stipulates that the production, import, sale and use of volatile organic compounds containing raw materials and products, the volatile organic content should be in line with the quality Standard or required. The "13th Five-Year Plan" also includes VOCs in the total control target. With the sewage charges fee policy and subsidy policies gradually landing, VOCs governance will be gradually liberalized.

According to the relevant data, the absolute emissions of VOCs in China are higher than those of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust emissions, exceeding 20 million tons per year. The management of VOCs is crucial to the environment.

Existing methods are not good

It is understood that the current end-of-VOCS technology includes two categories, the first category is a non-destructive method that uses physical methods to recover VOCs; the second category is the biochemical reaction of VOCs oxidative decomposition of non-toxic or low toxic substances destructive method.

Specific methods, the former includes condensation, adsorption, absorption and combustion method. The latter has biological methods, membrane technology, photocatalytic degradation and plasma technology.

Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, said Liu Wenqing, these existing methods, there are some shortcomings and deficiencies. Especially for the high winds, low concentrations of VOCs, the use of purification methods, due to the large amount of pollutants, complex components, the use of pressure or temperature swing adsorption methods require more energy consumption. From the energy, economic perspective, such governance techniques are not feasible.

In addition, the content of organic pollutants in most industrial exhaust gas far exceeds the air-fuel ratio (which refers to the mass ratio of air to fuel in the mixed gas, generally expressed in grams of air consumed per gram of fuel burned) Heat treatment does not work.

"The combination of various recovery and destruction technologies will be the development trend of VOCs treatment technologies," said Liu Wenqing.

Technology trends tend to combine

The "molecular sieve adsorption enrichment runner" technology is exactly a combination of recovery and destruction technologies.

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