Facing the current unfavorable factors of the European debt crisis and the depressed auto market, Shaanxi Fast Group Co., Ltd., as the largest heavy-duty automobile transmission manufacturer in China, will buck the trend and achieve steady economic growth. Li Dakai, chairman of the group, said recently that it will focus on accelerating the implementation of internationalization, independent innovation, structural adjustment, and personnel training and other measures to ensure growth and promote transformation.

At present, China has become a big stage for global car companies. The world’s top 100 auto parts companies have more than 70% of their businesses in China. To prevent multinational companies from monopolizing the automobile and parts markets, internationalization has become our survival. The only road to development. Fast will use this as an opportunity to comprehensively benchmark international advanced companies, strive to make product design more exquisite, more sophisticated manufacturing, more sophisticated assembly, more reliable quality, stricter inspection, more considerate service, and realizing the change from qualitative to qualitative. Rapidly leapfrogging the gap with multinational corporations; At the same time, give full play to competitive advantages in manufacturing, cost control, customer development, market branding and sales services, strengthen international cooperation and overseas market expansion, and strive to promote automatic transmissions in heavy machinery ( New progress has been made in the technical cooperation between AMT) and heavy-duty hydraulic automatic transmission (AT).

This year, Fast will aim at new fields, continuously improve the level of product research and development, accelerate the development of high-end product research and development platforms, make full use of state-level enterprise technology centers and academician workstations, and use the Institute’s international advanced design analysis software and laboratory equipment. Concentrate the use of advantageous resources on the research and development of core technologies, improve the company's independent innovation system and technology research and development system, and shorten the development and trial period of new products.

On the basis of consolidating and expanding the heavy-duty card market, Fast will actively seek breakthroughs in buses, construction vehicles, and light trucks, focusing on the current economic development trend of energy-saving, emission-reducing, and low-carbon environmental protection, and timely adjusting the product mix and transformation. The mode of economic development, vigorously promote the application of new technologies, new processes and new materials, and constantly accelerate the pace of research and development of lightweight energy-saving new products, change the single status quo of product structure, and promote the transformation of the role of the enterprise to drive system integrators in the entire field. At present, all-aluminum alloy housing transmissions with 6-block, 9-speed, 10-speed, 12-speed, 16-speed, and 20-speed transmissions independently developed by the company are more obvious in terms of quality performance, energy saving and environmental protection. Rapidly occupied the commanding heights of energy-saving products. Among them, the 20-speed heavy-duty transmission filled the gap in the market, a new generation of hydraulic retarder formed mass production, and the heavy-duty mechanical automatic transmission completed the ultra-normal load experiment. A series of core products have been continuously introduced to the market, and the company has initially formed a new pattern of large strategic planning, large market operations, comprehensive coverage, and diversified development.

With the acceleration of the transition from “manufacturing and manufacturing” to “science and technology R&D” and the development of international cooperation, Fast will further strengthen the human resources management and high-tech talents' training and introduction, and it is the first to firmly establish talents. The concept of production resources breaks the limits of external factors such as academic qualifications, position, age, etc. As long as people do a solid job and make outstanding contributions, it is talent. Fast will continue to establish a talent growth mechanism based on competitive job openings and job exchanges to tap and cultivate high-tech personnel; improve the allocation of talents for science and technology management; use project cooperation as a carrier; employ high-level technology and management in key businesses and key positions; Experts, through the school-enterprise cooperation, scientific research project cooperation and other methods, with domestic universities, foreign scientific research institutes and industry experts regularly carry out technical business exchanges and cooperation, to achieve high-end, professional, diversified all-round personnel training model.

In analyzing the current domestic and international market situation, Li Dakai said: “Promoting growth, expanding investment, and promoting transformation have become the main tone of the country’s macroeconomic policies. A number of key investment construction projects have been approved, banks’ reserve ratios and interest rates have been lowered, and investments have been made. The effects and economic pull continue to show, and all indications indicate that the market recovery is promising in the second half of the year and we will usher in new opportunities for development.” To this end, Fast has the confidence to turn pressure into motivation, turn challenges into opportunities, and do real work. To make new contributions to safeguarding industrial growth and promoting enterprise development.

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