After a series of promotion policies have been issued, the remanufacturing industry will once again usher in favorable policies. In the future, the automobile assembly and other parts of China's scrapped companies are expected to be allowed to be sold to remanufacturing enterprises. Prior to this, the five major assemblies of automobile engines, steering engines, transmissions, front and rear axles, and frames could only be sold as scrap metal to the iron and steel enterprises as raw materials for smelting.

The Legal Affairs Office of the State Council promulgated the Regulations on the Administration of Recycling and Dismantling of Scrapped Vehicles (Draft for Soliciting Opinions) (hereinafter referred to as the “Draft for Soliciting Opinions”). While giving more "rations" and support to the remanufacturing industry, the "Draft for Comment" provides , The registered capital of scrapped automobile recycling and dismantling enterprises shall be raised from 500,000 yuan to no less than 2 million yuan. There must be storage sites, dismantling sites, and dismantling equipment that meet the requirements of technical and environmental protection regulations. With regard to the automotive dismantling and recycling market with many problems such as small and poor production conditions, it is difficult to avoid an industry “shuffle”.

The automobile assembly can be "remanufactured" and the remanufacturing industry is greatly favored

The 11 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the “Opinions on Promoting the Development of Remanufacturing Industries”, which outlines the development of the industry from the aspects of policy support, standard access, and regulation. This time, the “Draft for Comment” was issued, which gave a more specific development path.

The “Draft for Soliciting Opinions” stated that the car remanufacturing enterprises should be encouraged to establish long-term cooperative relationships with recycling and dismantling enterprises to promote the effective link between recycling, dismantling and remanufacturing. Recycling and dismantling enterprises should adopt favorable resources for recycling and reuse. The method of manufacture dismantles scrapped motor vehicles, dismantled automobile assemblies and other spare parts may be sold to remanufacturing enterprises.

“In the case of a “recession in the development of the remanufacturing industry”, the introduction of the “Draft for Soliciting Opinions” will not only drive the development of automotive dismantling companies, but the entire remanufacturing market will also benefit.” Mr. Zhang, head of the Beijing Zhongwu Bo Automobile Dismantling Center Indicated.

“As far as I know, Beijing has a total of 9 qualified and large-scale automobile recycling and dismantling enterprises.” Mr. Zhang said that the automobile dismantling center he operates is among the 9 companies and is mainly responsible for the acquisition and processing of motor vehicles. Dismantling. “In recent years, the number of motor vehicles has grown rapidly and the company’s business has been good. If we can reuse the automobile assembly, the effect will be better.”

In response, Fu Hongyi, deputy secretary-general of the China Recycling Resources Recycling Association, agreed that "the development of the automobile remanufacturing industry is not optimistic at this stage, and the public's awareness of the remanufacturing industry is not high," the "draft for comment" was issued. It will help the remanufacturing industry to reduce costs, promote the development of this industry, and also help develop the recycling economy."

“Although the current remanufacturing industry is not very good, there is a huge business opportunity for the industry as a whole.” Fu Hongyi is optimistic about the prospects of the remanufacturing industry.

Access barriers increase dismantling and recycling companies face “shuffle”

The "Consultation Draft" abolished the current "disposal vehicle recycling management approach" provisions of the five major scrapped vehicles as the scrap metal sold to the steel company to do smelting raw materials regulations for the sale of scrapped cars and other spare parts for the green light . In the eyes of the industry, this policy change is beneficial to end-of-life automobile recycling companies and automobile remanufacturing companies. However, it is worth noting that, in order to regulate the market, the “Draft for Soliciting Opinions” has increased the Access standards, dismantling the recycling market or will usher in a "shuffle."

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1,000 scrap recycling and dismantling enterprises in China, but there are many problems such as large number of companies, small scale, poor production conditions, low technical level, and easy to cause environmental pollution, and the automobile assembly is smelted. The transformation of raw materials into raw materials for remanufacturing obviously requires better production conditions and stronger technical support.

The biggest change in improving the access standards for dismantling and recycling companies is the registered capital. The “Draft for Solicitation” raised the registered capital of the company from RMB 500,000 to not less than RMB 2 million.

At the same time, the “Draft for Soliciting Opinions” set hardware thresholds for scrapped automobile recycling companies, such as storage sites, dismantling sites, and dismantling equipment that meet the requirements of technical and environmental regulations; professional dismantling technicians; National environmental standards for waste storage facilities and treatment programs.

Manufacturers must provide guidance manual car dismantling to "precise"

In addition to setting higher and more detailed access standards for dismantling and recycling companies, the “Draft for Soliciting Opinions” also specifies the responsibilities of motor vehicle production and import companies. Motor vehicle manufacturing companies and import companies should provide dismantling instruction manuals or Disclose the dismantling technology information on the website of the company and provide the necessary technical support for recycling and dismantling enterprises.

“Manufacturers provide guidance manuals to inform the dismantling company which parts can be reused, which can help the dismantling of the company to carry out related work. This is the responsibility that the production company must bear.” Gao Yanli, Secretary-General of the China Material Recycling Association, which participated in the Drafting of the Consultation Draft Said, "If the production company has the conditions, while providing the instruction manual, it can also provide training for the dismantling of the company's staff, provide technical support, and help dismantle the company for dismantling."

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