The Bridgestone Group has announced that the company is actively looking for new natural rubber resources to replace natural rubber produced from rubber trees, which currently account for a large proportion of the main raw materials for tires. As one of the directions, Bridgestone United States Tire Company has launched research and development work on " Gelkin " in the southwest United States.

With the increase in global car ownership, tire demand is also growing. In order to build a sustainable development society, Bridgestone will also continue to promote the development of technologies and business models that promote the recycling of resources and expand the use of renewable resources.

It is understood that Bridgestone will start from the aspects of agricultural science and processing procedures, which are the major components of the supply chain, in order to produce competitive natural rubber for tires, and to improve the varieties and cultivation techniques of "Ganjuju", natural The rubber processing process conditions are optimized. National projects In addition, from the 1980s to the beginning of 1991, Bridgestone has been in a recycled tire rubber, make a natural rubber processing and tire development process from biomass terms "guayule" of Verification tests, these experiences will be fully utilized. In the future, this research and development will be carried out by the new experimental farms set up by the special group in 2012 and the processing technology research facilities that are scheduled to be put into use in 2014. It is expected that the test production can begin before 2015.

The natural rubber extracted from " gumkin " is the same biological material as the usual natural rubber, which is extracted from the plant. The cultivated land of the chrysanthemum is different from the usual rubber tree. If this research can be put into practical use, then the supply of natural rubber can be diversified. This will not only ease the current situation in which natural rubber production is too concentrated, but it can also promote the self-production and sales of the United States mainland.

Bridgestone hopes to realize the sustainable use of new input resources through the research and development of various biomaterials represented by “Ganjuju”, effective use of the earth’s resources, and promotion of provincial resources, reuse, and recycling as preconditions. And ultimately achieve 100% sustainability of tire raw materials. In the future, Bridgestone will also release standard tires equipped with related resource recycling technologies to introduce the latest trends and actual results of the Group in this field.

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