The damage to the Chinese tire industry from the US Tire Special Protection Case has not yet completely "healed." Another Chinese minority alloy wheel with its own brand and intellectual property in the parts and components industry may suffer a heavy blow.

On May 12, 2010, after nearly 9 months of anti-dumping investigations, the EU Trade Commission formally announced the preliminary results of anti-dumping on China's export of aluminum alloy wheels, and announced a uniform anti-dumping tariff of 20.6% on China's export alloy wheels.

On the afternoon of May 14, the person in charge of Hebei Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. stated to this newspaper that “at present, the anti-dumping tariff of 20.6% imposed by the EU is still a temporary tariff, and local EU agents do not have to pay this tariff in cash, but only Bank guarantees are required. If the final ruling of the European Union in September still maintains the preliminary results, local agents must pay these duties, which will greatly undermine the competitiveness of Chinese aluminum alloy wheels in the EU!"

Anti-dumping preliminary ruling China lost

Xiong Chuanlin, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, previously stated that if the EU implements anti-dumping measures, the Chinese aluminum alloy wheel industry will be severely hit, and no anti-dumping duty can afford it. The worst result is that China's aluminum alloy wheel products. All will be withdrawn from Europe.

Li Xiaoqing, secretary general of the Wheel Committee of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that the EU’s anti-dumping investigation involved the export of all 40 auto aluminum alloy Wheel Hub manufacturers in the EU. Failure of the lawsuit may result in the loss of 450,000 employees in the aluminum wheel industry.

CITIC DeKalb is the largest exporter of domestic aluminum alloy wheel enterprises to the European Union. When it comes to EU "anti-dumping" "harm", last Thursday, DiCa spokesman Zhai Xiaojun told the newspaper that "Dika as an alloy wheel The largest number of companies exporting to the EU will suffer huge losses, including the huge investment in the development of the European market in the early stages, the purchase of equipment and raw materials, in-transit goods, and partial product production losses to meet the requirements of the EU automobile factory."

Survey results ignore Chinese facts

The EU’s anti-dumping investigation against Chinese aluminum alloy wheels began in June 2009.

At the end of June 2009, the European Wheel Hub Manufacturers Association represented six EU aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers and filed a complaint with the European Commission on the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation against Chinese aluminum alloy wheels. In mid-August 2008, the European Commission informed the Chinese side that it would investigate this issue.

In September 2009, the European Union selected four domestic companies, Youfa, DeKalb, Wanfeng, and Lizhong, to conduct the first round of investigations, which mainly investigated whether Chinese enterprises had the "market economy dominant status." According to the results of the first survey released by the European Union at the end of January 2010, the four companies under investigation “had not had a dominant market economy status.” Subsequently, the European Union conducted a second round of investigations on several aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers in China.

As early as the beginning of the European Union investigation, the Ministry of Commerce’s Bureau of Import and Export Fair Trade has repeatedly stated that “The EU’s anti-dumping investigation against Chinese aluminum alloy wheels is inconsistent with the provisions of the WTO anti-dumping agreement!” China Association of Automobile Manufacturers as a representative of China’s aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers At the beginning of the European Union investigation, it was stated that the European Wheel Hub Manufacturers Association had submitted its complaint in the “applicant status” and “alternative country” choices, which were not in compliance with the relevant provisions of the WTO anti-dumping agreement.

In response to the preliminary ruling of the European Union, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers issued a rigorous statement. “The Commission ignored the Chinese views and obstinately acted alone and made an unfair decision on this case.” It also stated that “this will seriously hurt the feelings of Chinese auto operators and change The impression of the automotive industry's managers, practitioners, and consumers on the European automotive and parts industries will ultimately affect the development of EU companies in China."

According to reports, the European Commission stated in its preliminary report that the cheap imports from China have caused EU manufacturers to suffer significant declines in production and sales, and their market share and sales prices have also been hit. According to the European Commission, Chinese aluminum alloy wheel products sold in the European market in 2006 was 3.7 million, but as of June 2009, it reached 6.1 million, and imports increased by 66%, while the Chinese market share It almost doubled from 6.3% in 2006 to 12.4% in 2009.

According to statistics from China Customs, from July 2008 to May 2009, China's exports of aluminum alloy wheels to the European Union accounted for less than 8% of the EU market. At the same time, Chinese enterprises exported aluminum wheels to the EU at a higher price than the domestic market. Did not constitute dumping, nor did it cause damage to the European industry. This has overturned the EU's assertion in terms of "damage and causation."

China will continue to defend

Wanfeng Aowei is a major player in the export of Chinese aluminum alloy wheels to the European market. According to its 2009 annual report, it shows that in 2009, the sales revenue of 66136.67 million yuan in the foreign market was higher than the 65.348 million yuan in the domestic market, but its overseas market profit was 78.617 million yuan, which was much lower than the domestic market's profit of 122.8769 million yuan.

This can be seen from a side, China's aluminum alloy wheel enterprises, did not dump in the European market.

Related experts also said last week, "China's aluminum alloy wheels are mainly concentrated in the EU's after-sales service market, and the actual proportion of Auto Parts manufacturers is less than 3%, saying that China's export of aluminum alloy wheels has impacted the European aluminum wheel industry. It's a joke!"

The person concerned in the Lizhong Wheelars told the newspaper that “just after the video teleconference with the electromechanical chamber of commerce and other companies, we had a meeting to discuss what measures to take to defend ourselves. How did we defend?” Daika said: “We will certainly take legal measures. Direct defense. "However, in the absence of final results, Daica is also very "helpless", "will consult with the EU automobile factory to modify the 2010 supply arrangements, and consultation with the EU customers on the goods have been issued And the issue of tariff sharing of pending cargo," the company said.

Wanfeng Aowei said in its announcement last week that “the company will make up for the decline in the European market by increasing the supply of the domestic market and the expansion of other international markets outside the EU, including Japan and the United States.” Wanfeng Aowei also stated that the In the first four months, the company achieved sales of 7.35613 million yuan in the EU, and originally planned to achieve sales of 308 million yuan in the EU in 2010. However, due to the preliminary results of anti-dumping, it is expected that sales in the EU will decline by about 40% for the full year.

The domestic aluminum alloy wheel enterprises may still be waiting for the turn of the day. The head of the Lizhong Wheels said: "The EU will not use this preliminary ruling as a final ruling, and domestic companies still have 6 months to defend!"


According to European Commission data, Chinese aluminum alloy wheel products sold in the European market in 2006 was 3.7 million, but as of June 2009, it reached 6.1 million, and imports increased by 66%. At the same time, Chinese products accounted for almost the market share. Doubled from 6.3% in 2006 to 12.4% in 2009.

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