First of all, sodium cyanide gold , which is cyanide leaching gold, has a long history. Now nearly 30% of the world's gold is beneficiated by this method. It can be said that the application is very extensive. The related principles of the process have been posted a lot before, I will not mention it.

Advantages: low cost and good leaching effect.

Disadvantages: Environmental issues.

In fact, the traditional sodium cyanide pool dip process has long been included in the elimination catalog. Nowadays, sodium cyanide heap leaching or in-situ leaching is mostly, but it is also a phase of gradual elimination. However, at this stage, there is no better technology to replace the country.

Sodium cyanide is a highly toxic substance and therefore requires strict management and control before and after use.

Proposed the beneficiation. Beneficiation this thing, the more distant from the general public, many people do not know the ore mined, but also through the dressing this link, in the eyes of the general public, iron ore dug up, go directly to the ironmaking (smelting) is not on the list? In fact, this The idea is completely wrong. The basic situation of China's ore is poor and fine. The grade of ore is low. It can't reach the conditions of direct smelting, or because the ore impurities are too much, the direct smelting process is complicated, the cost is high, and the quality of smelting products is poor. Therefore, between mining and smelting, there is a trade of mineral processing.

For example, if you take an iron ore and the iron content (grade) is 40%, then you go directly to smelting, there may be harmful impurities such as phosphorus , and the smelted steel will be brittle. What should you do? It is possible to increase the iron content to 60% by means of re-election, magnetic separation, grinding, etc., that is, 60% grade iron concentrate. This iron concentrate is obtained by removing a large amount of impurities such as phosphorus after beneficiation, and can directly enter the smelting.

In the same way, many ores such as lead , zinc , copper , molybdenum and nickel also need such a beneficiation process. The essence is the enrichment and impurity removal of ore valuable minerals, and provide qualified raw materials for smelting.

Through the above explanation, everyone should know the inevitability of mineral processing. So what about gold mines?

Of course, gold mines must also be mined.

Ordinary lead-zinc mines usually have a grade of 5% or more. The low point is also 2% up and down.

But what about gold mines? Gold grades are not in %, according to g/t, that is to say, in general, many gold mines, grades are 1g/t, 2g/t, then one ton of gold ore is mined. 1 gram, or 2 grams of gold. How to choose these gold? In fact, the gold in the ore is dissolved by sodium cyanide, and then it is adsorbed by activated carbon, analyzed, and becomes gold mud, and finally becomes a gold and gold bar. The cyanidation process is actually the cheapest and most economical process.

So is there anything else that can dissolve gold instead of sodium cyanide?

In fact, there are many things that can be dissolved, but it is unrealistic to replace sodium cyanide.

Thiourea can dissolve gold, but the amount is large! The cost is too high!

Persulfide, stone sulphur mixture, etc., can also require copper ammonia ion, the amount is also large, and the cost is as high.

What other biological leaching and so on are currently in the laboratory stage.

The most widely used ones are Jinjing, Jinfu, Northeast Tiger and other new immersion gold chemicals. These agents contain no cyanide. The effect is good. Some mines have already been applied, and the effect is not bad, but it is big. The promotion of scale, or the desire to apply to most gold mines like sodium cyanide, may still be somewhat difficult.

Therefore, the cyanidation process is still in the mainstream.

Some of the cyanide-free leaching agents or processes invented by the mineral processing researchers have not been promoted and helped by the relevant departments, and it is difficult to spread them. After all, knowing this line knows that sodium cyanide is easy to use, the effect is good, and the cost is low. Which mine owner does not profit?

It is very difficult to replace the cyanidation process without the strong support of the state, or to invest in relevant research.

But cyanide process is the mainstream, must it harm the environment?

The state has a variety of environmental protection policies, wastewater treatment for mineral processing, leaching of gold waste liquid, and waste slag have very strict treatment methods and regulations.

In fact, how horrible can this sodium cyanide be? Indeed, eating into the stomach will kill people. However, in the process of treatment, the bleaching powder can be decomposed by a redox reaction. Not to mention the country's many corresponding policies and regulations to regulate this matter.

But the most critical question is, is the regulatory authority in place? Is the mining company conscious?

As for what other countries do you use? Many countries still use it, including countries such as Europe and America.

It is just supervision, strict management, corporate conscience, and naturally fewer things.

As for the accidents such as the collapse of the tailings pond, it is not unique to the gold mine. This problem may occur in any mine. The main reason is the lack of standardization in design, construction and management. There is nothing wrong with the tailings pond. If the design and construction management is relatively standardized, there will be no problems. This is the same as building a house. If you build a house to cut corners, the house will not collapse. The tailings pond is the same. If you mess around, you will definitely have problems. If you take advantage of this magical mine, I think some industries such as real estate and food should have become demons.

Regarding mining, selection, and metallurgy, the state has many environmental protection policies and regulations, and the key is to monitor and implement. I don’t see how many private mines are opened, and illegal emissions and the like happen. The Chinese are like this, and if they have money, they will not care for future generations. Nowadays, the hot milk powder, food, oil and other issues have gone much. What is the difference between these and the problems in these mines? It’s all about making money! You can make more points by earning more points, even at the expense. Go to violations. I don’t have much to evaluate if the supervision of the relevant departments is in place.

There are also many environmentalists who have called for stopping the plant and stopping the project. But to be honest, everyone, the cars you drive, the furniture at home, whether metal or non-metal, don't have to dig out from the ground. If these high energy and high pollution industries are stopped, everyone can return to the original people. You want to lay floor tiles in your home. Sorry, many of the floor tiles are marble. They belong to non-metallic mines. They must be mined and processed. Do you want to drive? Sorry, the metals outside the car must be selected before they become qualified parts; you want to take silver and gold jewelry embarrassed, but also smelting ore mining and processing;? you want a good phone aluminum magnesium alloy also has mining dressing and smelting;?? you want the military to engage in something new material, I am sorry to Add rare earth elements, and this rare earth should also be selected. Basically, we live in the food, clothing, housing and transportation are inseparable from these few businesses. And as a practitioner of these trades, I can only say that the conditions are poor and the treatment is poor. The same level of school equivalent scholastic students of other majors, the salary is two or three times ours.

China's more than one billion people have too much demand. These basic industries simply cannot stop. Otherwise, how will the economy develop? How does industry develop? How does the country develop? Maybe some people say that now is the age of peace, afraid of it? If China develops very slowly Over time, once the country's strength is too far behind, it will become a meal for others in the morning and evening. What international regulations are virtual, strength is the last word. Suppose China is still as weak as it was 50 years ago. Do you think some invaders will let you go?

Development is certain, which leads to the fact that these industries must continue. However, development cannot be blind and damage the environment. This requires the relevant regulatory authorities to be strict enough in the exercise of their functions.

High-pollution, high-energy-consuming enterprises can now do well with national policies, engage in technological upgrading, transformation, and require a large number of national policy support, as well as a group of people willing to fight for this cause.

In the position of the regulatory department, it is necessary to do a good job of supervision. The stop-and-go rectification and rectification will not be soft, and it will kill more dead cards. This will enable enterprises to do a good job in environmental protection such as three wastes, and also help enterprises to upgrade their technology. And transformation, will have great benefits for the development of the technical level of the entire industry.

Development is a must. If you can't stop, you can't stop, but you can't sacrifice the environment. You must minimize the harm to the environment and make overall plans.

In my opinion, if the supervision is in place, the pollution problem will be much less. Moreover, it is necessary to appropriately strengthen the popular science work of the people. If you don’t hear anything, you will be guilty of people, or blindly attack people in a certain industry, or have a greater prejudice against certain industries.

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