On March 12, Dongfeng Tianlong’s flagship family was born with new members:

Two new models of the Golden Slim Upgraded version were assembled on the Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Assembly Plant to successfully complete the trial assembly line.

Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Assembly Plant first test-assembled the Damaili Tianlong flagship vehicle. As a new member of Dongfeng Tianlong's flagship family, the updated slimming version of Dongfeng Tianlong's flagship is the Tianlong flagship's adaptable and improved product that has been produced in volume. In response to market and user demand, the company has carried out "downsizing" and "upgrading," and the weight of the entire vehicle has dropped drastically. Power and cost performance have been greatly improved, and power and cost performance have been upgraded.

Upgrade the slimming version of Dongfeng Tianlong's flagship to upgrade the Dongfeng commercial vehicle's heavy truck hp from the previous maximum of 480 hp to 520 hp, broadening product dynamics.

At present, the trial installation of the vehicle is basically completed and preparations are made for full-scale production.

Plastics Steel Cylinder Protective Mesh Sleeve

Plastics steel cylinder protective mesh sleeve is a type of protective cover that is used to safeguard the plastic or steel cylinders from damage or wear and tear. The protective mesh sleeve is made of high-quality materials that are durable and resistant to wear and tear. The mesh sleeve is designed to fit snugly over the cylinder and provide protection against scratches, dents, and other types of damage.

Benefits of Plastics Steel Cylinder Protective Mesh Sleeve:

1. Protection: The protective mesh sleeve provides protection to the cylinder against damage, scratches, and other types of wear and tear.

2. Durability: The mesh sleeve is made of high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. It can withstand harsh weather conditions and rough handling.

3. Easy to install: The protective mesh sleeve is easy to install and can be done by anyone. It does not require any special tools or equipment.

4. Cost-effective: The protective mesh sleeve is a cost-effective solution to protect the cylinder from damage. It is much cheaper than replacing the cylinder.

5. Lightweight: The mesh sleeve is lightweight and does not add any extra weight to the cylinder. It is easy to carry and transport.

6. Versatile: The protective mesh sleeve can be used for both plastic and steel cylinders. It is suitable for a wide range of applications.

Overall, the plastics steel cylinder protective mesh sleeve is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to protect their cylinders from damage and wear and tear. It is a cost-effective and easy-to-install solution that provides long-lasting protection to the cylinder.

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