According to the statistics of the National Machinery Commission, the production of auto parts was completed in 1978, with a total of 479 million yuan in auto parts production, which was 9.6 percent lower than the 8.3 billion yuan in 1978. Together with other industries in the country, the country’s total production capacity was 196 years. The total output value of steam lift accessories is about 5.8 billion yuan, which is higher than that of 1985. 400 million yuan, a decrease of The completion of auto production in the year of 8 years: In 1986, the total automobile production was 35.56 million units, which was a drop of 13,000 from 430,000 units in 1978. 7.7.3. Commodity Engine Completion: In 1959, the total number of commercial engines completed was 23,450 hp and 298,000 units, compared with 198,800 hp and 249,200 units in 1985. The horsepower was reduced by 16, and the number of units was reduced by 18.2. 4.

Sales: In the year of 1986, the total sales of pure auto parts of China Auto Parts Company System totaled 2.4 billion yuan, which was 9.1 percent lower than the RMB 2.64 billion yuan in 1978; the national automobile, civil aircraft, and military support in 1959 The share of auto parts was 2.98 billion yuan, a decrease of 17.7 percent from 2.55 billion yuan in 1988; according to the statistics of the Agricultural Mechanization Service Corporation, the national agricultural machinery system produced a total of 40,000 farm vehicles in 1968, which was used approximately. Auto parts cost 200 million yuan; social outlets and auto parts factories sell about 1.4 billion yuan. National auto parts company car maintenance parts market share of about 60.1 9 8 auto parts industry.

No matter if it is produced or sold, it will show a downward trend. The various economic indicators of the national parts and accessories company system were worse than those of 1985, the total profit dropped from 23,599,000 yuan to 15,25> million yuan, a decrease of 34.7, and the average amount of fixed working capital was from 1.148 billion yuan. The increase was 1.342 billion yuan; the cost rate rose from 5.1 to 6.0; the capital turnover days increased from 105 days to 133 days. The above figures indicate that the auto parts market experienced fluctuations in 1986.

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